
Laravel Implementation for 'meertensm amazon-mws'

v1.0.1 2020-03-02 00:35 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-08 11:33:55 UTC


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Laravel Implementation for meertensm/amazon-mws


Link to the Official Amazon MWS Documentation


Require the package using composer:

$ composer require enbit/amazon-mws-laravel

The package will automatically register itself.

Add your Environment Variables for MWS to your .env File. The variable names are listed in the enbit-amazon-mws.php config file.


To successfully authenticate with the Amazon Marketplace Web Service you need to add the Environment variables to your .env File. The variable names are listed in the enbit-amazon-mws.php config file. Also you can set a default marketplace.

You can optionally publish the configuration with:

$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Enbit\LaravelAmazonMWS\AmazonMWSServiceProvider" --tag="config"

This will create an enbit-amazon-mws.php in your config directory.

Config file content with the env variables:


return [
    'Access_Key_ID' => env('MWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'),
    'Secret_Access_Key' => env('MWS_SECRET_KEY'),
    'Seller_Id' => env('MWS_SELLER_ID'),
    'Marketplace_Id' => env('Marketplace_Id', 'DE'),

####Optionally you can pass custom config to the AmazonMWS service like this:

$config = [
              'Access_Key_ID' => 'MWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID',
              'Secret_Access_Key' => 'MWS_SECRET_KEY',
              'Seller_Id' => 'MWS_SELLER_ID',
              'Marketplace_Id' => 'Marketplace_Id',
$amazonMWS = app()->makeWith('enbit-amazon-mws', $config);


to simplicity the code, you will pass just the country code, then the package will chooses the right endpoint and market place id, and you still can pass the market place id instead.

available countries code


you can simply use any of mcs/amazon-mws functions, as Example:

Get orders

$fromDate = new DateTime('2016-01-01');
$orders = AmazonMWS::ListOrders($fromDate);
foreach ($orders as $order) {
    $items = AmazonMWS::ListOrderItems($order['AmazonOrderId']);

For more Info check meertensm/amazon-mws Documentation