
There is no license information available for the latest version (v3.1) of this package.

v3.1 2020-06-26 15:39 UTC


PHP SDK for http://fr.emstorage.com


composer require emstorage/php-sdk:dev-master

A stable version will eventually be released one day...

Create a client

With Silex

You can use the service provider:


use Emonsite\Emstorage\PhpSdk\Bridge as EmStorageServiceProvider;

$app->register(new EmStorageServiceProvider(), [
    'emstorage.applications' => [
        'yourAppName' => [
            'public_key' => 'appPublicKey',
            'private_key' => 'appPrivateKey',
    'guzzle.options' => [
        'debug' => false,

For each applications it will create a service named "emstorage.yourAppName"

Or manually


use Awelty\Component\Security\HmacSignatureProvider;
use Emonsite\Emstorage\PhpSdk\Client;

// Emstorage use hmac authentification with sha1 as algo
$signatureProvider = new HmacSignatureProvider($publicKey, $privateKey, 'sha1');

// create as many clients as you need (typically one per EmStorageApplication)
$emStorage = new Client($authenticator, $someGuzzleConfig = []);


The client has one subclient per resource in EmStorage. TODO: one doc file per resource


  • Create a file (it will throw an exception if the file already exist - TODO)
/** @var ObjectSummaryInterface $file **/
$file = $emStorage->object->create($path, $content);
  • Update a file (it will throw an exception if the file doesn't exist - TODO)
/** @var ObjectSummaryInterface $file **/
$file = $emStorage->object->update($path, $content);
  • Delete a file (it will throw an exception if the file doesn't exist - TODO)
  • Get a file metadatas
/** @var ObjectSummaryInterface $file **/
$file = $emStorage->object->getObject($path);
  • Get a list
/** @var Collection|ObjectSummaryInterface[] $files **/
$files = $emStorage->object->getObjects($offset = 0, $limit = 5);

You also can work with models (ObjectSummaryInterface)

  • Create a file
$file = new EmObject();
$remoteFile = $emStorage->object->createFromObject($file);
// warning: returned $remoteFile is not the same instance as $file, TODO ?

Feel free to exlore the client with your IDE to find some other methods to create, get or delete file from object or objectId.



This is the interface you work with when you send files.


interface ObjectSummaryInterface
     * @return string
    public function getId();

     * @return string
    public function getFilename();

     * @return string
    public function getPublicUrl();

     * @return string
    public function getMime();

     * @return float
    public function getSize();

     * @return string
    public function getSizeHuman();

     * @return array
    public function getMeta();



A collection of ObjectSummaryInterface.

class Collection implements \ArrayAccess, \Countable, \Iterator

It also provide nav and links properties:

$files = $emStorage->object->getObjects();


    [total] => 38
    [count] => 5
    [offset] => 0
    [limit] => 5
    // TODO need [totalPage] ?


    [prev] => 
    [next] => /objects?offset=5&limit=5
    // TODO need [nextOffset] ?

To be continued...