
Easily connect microservices through an OAuth2 Passport server.

v1.0.14 2025-03-14 16:06 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-14 21:09:12 UTC


Elyerr Passport Connect is a lightweight PHP library designed to simplify the connection of microservices and third-party modules through an OAuth2 Passport server. This library provides seamless integration with OAuth2 Passport Server, allowing applications to authenticate and authorize users efficiently.

Key Features

  • Microservices Authentication: Easily connect various services to a central OAuth2 authorization server.
  • OAuth2 Compliance: Uses guzzlehttp/guzzle for handling HTTP requests and integration with the OAuth2 Passport Server.
  • Automatic Service Provider Registration: Automatically registers a service provider for seamless integration.


To include Elyerr Passport Connect in your project, run the following command using Composer:

composer require elyerr/passport-connect


  • PHP 7.4 or higher
  • Laravel Framework (version 8.x or higher)
  • Guzzle 7.8 or higher

Publish configuration file

After installing the package, you need to publish the configuration file to customize its settings according to your needs.

  • Run the following command to publish the configuration file:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=passport_connect

Install Dependencies

To ensure all necessary dependencies are installed and configured properly, run the following command:

php artisan passport-connect:install

Middleware Configuration

The package provides four types of middleware that can be used to secure routes with different levels of authorization. Here is a breakdown of each middleware and its purpose:

  • server Class: \Elyerr\Passport\Connect\Middleware\Authorization::class This middleware is used for basic authentication, ensuring that the request is authenticated using the OAuth2 Passport Server. Example usage:

    Route::get('/admin', [AdminController::class, 'index'])->middleware('server');
  • scope Class: \Elyerr\Passport\Connect\Middleware\CheckForAnyScope::class Ensures that at least one of the specified scopes is present in the authenticated user's token. This is used to a authorize users based on their roles or permissions. Example usage:

    Route::get('/admin', [AdminController::class, 'index'])->middleware('scope:admin,user');
  • scopes Class: \Elyerr\Passport\Connect\Middleware\CheckScopes::class Ensures that all specified scopes are present in the user's token. This is useful for enforcing stricter access control. Example usage:

    Route::get('/admin', [AdminController::class, 'index'])->middleware('scopes:admin,user');
  • client Class: \Elyerr\Passport\Connect\Middleware\CheckClientCredentials::class Allows machine-to-machine (server-to-server) connections without user intervention. This is typically used for automated processes or backend services. Example usage:

    Route::get('/admin', [AdminController::class, 'index'])->middleware('client:admin,user');

Adding Middleware to the Kernel

  • For Laravel versions below 11: The middleware is automatically added to the app/Http/Kernel.php file during installation.
  • For Laravel 11 and above: You will need to add the middleware manually to the $routeMiddleware array in app/Http/Kernel.php as shown below:
protected $routeMiddleware = [
    'server' => \Elyerr\Passport\Connect\Middleware\Authorization::class,
    'scope' => \Elyerr\Passport\Connect\Middleware\CheckForAnyScope::class,
    'scopes' => \Elyerr\Passport\Connect\Middleware\CheckScopes::class,
    'client' => \Elyerr\Passport\Connect\Middleware\CheckClientCredentials::class,

Each middleware can be used like any other Laravel middleware by passing parameters as comma-separated values.

Required Configuration Variables

The following environment variables are essential for configuring the application’s behavior as either an internal module or a third-party application when connected to the OAuth2 Passport Server:

  • PASSPORT_MASTER_DOMAIN This is for the master domain and is only required when the module is set to true.
  • APP_URL (Host) Defines the host of the application. This should match the base URL of your app, typically defined in the .env file. Example:
  • PASSPORT_MODULE (Module Behavior) Determines whether the application behaves as an internal module (when set to true) or as a third-party app (false). Example:
  • PASSPORT_SERVER (OAuth2 Server URL) Specifies the URL of the OAuth2 Passport Server that will handle authentication and authorization. Example:
  • PASSPORT_MODULE_COOKIES_NAMES (Server Cookie Names) A comma-separated list of cookie names required for authentication if the app is on the same domain as the OAuth2 Passport Server. Typically, this includes the passport cookie (used for session management) and the csrf cookie (for cross-site request forgery protection). When these cookies are present, the app behaves as an internal module rather than a third-party application. Example:
  • PASSPORT_REDIRECT_TO (Redirect After Login) Defines the page to which the user will be redirected after a successful login. This allows you to control the user’s post-login experience. Example:
  • PASSPORT_LOGIN_TO (Login Route) Specifies the route where users should be directed for login. This route will typically point to your app’s login page. Example:

Third-Party Applications

  • These settings are specific to third-party applications that connect to the OAuth2 Passport Server from a different domain. They control client credentials, authentication prompts, token handling, and cookie settings for secure communication:

  • Client Credentials

    PASSPORT_SERVER_ID (Client ID) The Client ID generated on the OAuth2 Passport Server, which is essential for authenticating third-party applications. Example:

  • Authorization Prompt Mode

    PASSPORT_PROMPT_MODE (Prompt Behavior) Defines how the OAuth2 server will prompt the user during authorization. Acceptable values: none: No user prompt. consent: Prompts the user for consent. login: Forces the user to log in again. Example:

  • Scopes

    PASSPORT_CLIENT_SCOPES (Authorization Scopes) A list of authorization scopes that the client requests from the user. You can specify multiple scopes or use * to request all available scopes. Example:

  • Token Storage

    PASSPORT_TOKEN (JWT Token Cookie Name) The name of the cookie that stores the JWT access token. It defaults to a slugified version of the app name (e.g., passport_oauth_server). Example:


PASSPORT_REFRESH (JWT Refresh Token Cookie Name) The name of the cookie that stores the JWT refresh token. Example:

  • Cookie Configuration

    PASSPORT_DOMAIN_SERVER (Cookie Domain) Specifies the domain for the cookies. Example:


    PASSPORT_TIME_EXPIRES (Expiration Time) Sets the expiration time for the cookie, typically in seconds. Example:


PASSPORT_SECURE_COOKIE (Secure Cookie) Enforces the use of https for cookies when set to true. Example:


PASSPORT_HTTP_ONLY_COOKIE (HTTP-Only Cookie) Prevents client-side scripts from accessing cookies, enhancing security. Example:


PASSPORT_SAME_SITE_COOKIE (Same-Site Policy) Controls cross-site cookie behavior. Acceptable values:

lax: Allows cookies with top-level navigation. strict: Prevents all cross-site cookies. none: No restrictions (only use with secure cookies). Example:


PASSPORT_PARTITIONED_COOKIE (Partitioned Cookies) Enables partitioned cookies, which are accessible only in specific contexts. Example:


These variables ensure secure and flexible integration with the OAuth2 Passport Server when the application is deployed on a different domain.

Excluding Cookies in EncryptCookies

When working with Passport-based authentication, it is mandatory to avoid encoding or encrypting certain cookies used in the authentication process. This ensures that tokens and related data can be correctly read in each request. Required Configuration

To exclude these cookies in the EncryptCookies middleware, add the following code to its constructor:

public function __construct(EncrypterContract $encrypter)

        $passport = [];
        $passport = config('passport_connect.server_cookie_names');
        $passport[] = config('passport_connect.jwt_token');

        $this->except = array(

This configuration is essential to prevent authentication issues when validating sessions and tokens on the client side.

Example Configuration for Module Mode

The following environment variables configure the application to behave as an internal module when integrated with the OAuth2 Passport Server. This configuration is only applicable when the application is on the same domain as the OAuth2 Passport Server:

#Master domain

# OAuth2 Server URL

# Required cookies for authentication

# Redirect page after login (defaults to the root if empty)

# Login route used by the module

# Determines whether the application behaves as a module (false for third-party apps)

Example Configuration for Third-Party Applications

The following environment variables configure the application to behave as a third-party application when connecting to the OAuth2 Passport Server:

# OAuth2 Server URL

# Redirect page after login

# Login route

# Determines the app mode (false indicates a third-party app)

# Third-party app credentials generated on the OAuth2 Passport Server

# Authorization prompt mode
# Options:
# - none: No prompt to the user
# - consent: Prompt for consent
# - login: Forces a new login

# OAuth2 Passport Server domain for cookie settings

# JWT token

# Secure cookie configurations
PASSPORT_SECURE_COOKIE=true  # Ensures cookies are transmitted over HTTPS only
PASSPORT_HTTP_ONLY_COOKIE=true  # Prevents cookies from being accessed via JavaScript
PASSPORT_PARTITIONED_COOKIE=false  # Disables O enable partitioned cookie settings

Extra functions

To enhance the application's functionality, you can use the Elyerr\Passport\Connect\Traits\Passport trait, which provides the following methods:

  • userCan($scope): Checks if the authenticated user has access to the specified scope. Returns true if the user has the required scope.

  • user(): Returns the authenticated user's information, including any relevant details for authorization.

  • logout(): Logs out the authenticated user, terminating their session only in the third-party application. When using module mode, the logout request must be directed to the authorization server's logout route, e.g., https://master.elyerr.xyz/logout.

These methods make it easier to manage user permissions, retrieve user details, and handle session management efficiently.

Web Routes for OAuth2 Passport Integration

Here are the three essential web routes for OAuth2 Passport integration from controller Elyerr\Passport\Connect\Controllers\CodeController, These routes handle the authentication flow:

  • Login View: Displays the login page where the user can enter their credentials.
Route::get('/login', [CodeController::class, 'login'])->name('login');
  • Redirect: Transfers the necessary credentials to the authorization server to initiate the authentication process.
Route::get('/redirect', [CodeController::class, 'redirect'])->name('redirect');
  • Callback: Handles the authorization server's response and generates the authentication credentials (such as access tokens) required to access protected resources.
Route::get('/callback', [CodeController::class, 'callback'])->name('callback');