
simple create table compatible by eloquent and query builder of laravel

dev-main 2023-07-24 18:43 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-14 17:12:10 UTC


this package help you to create dynamic html table by php language in framework laravel


laravel >= 5.6
php >= 7.x
phpspreadsheet >= 1.14


this package compatible by eloquent and query builder of laravel

you must write query by eloquent or query builder without terminate method like paginate() or get() or all() or etc


composer require srk-grid/gridview

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="SrkGrid\GridView\SrkGridViewProvider"

Quick Start

run command php artisan make:gird UserGrid

next run command is created class UserGrid in app/Grid directory

namespace App\Grid;

use SrkGrid\GridView\BaseGrid;
use SrkGrid\GridView\GridView;

class UserGrid implements BaseGrid
     * Render method for get html view result
     * @param GridView $grid
     * @param $data
     * @param $parameters
     * @return mixed
    public function render($grid, $data, $parameters = null)
        return $grid->headerColumns([

call Grid::make() in method index or any other method you want to display table in controller

$data = User::query()

$view = Grid::make($data,\App\Grid\UserGrid::class);

and render $view in blade view

{!! $view !!}


next run command

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="SrkGrid\GridView\SrkGridViewProvider"

create automatic artisan command php artisan make:grid GridName and srkgridview.php in directory config in laravel all table config exists in this php file and you can customize default config

this config include three part (table - excel - paginate) for set attribute on html element of table and excel element and paginate element and set paginate number for result query and etc

also for any table you can change all config exists in file srkgridview.php

you must call three method to create table ->headerColumns() and ->addColumns() and final ->renderGrid() the other method are optional


this method create header of table its given array inside another array as input

at the moment internal array has three key

head and disbale and disableExcel


this key for create name of column ['head'=>'full name']


this key for hidden column if ['disable'=>false]


this key for hidden column in excel if ['disableExcel'=>false]


this method create body of table and it takes tow type value string and closure as input

use type string


use type closure

when use relation in eloquent laravel result query is nested object you can use closure for access to nested object like

    return $query->methodRelation->nameColumn


this method terminate create table