
A simple Package to use the PHP Facebook SDK into your Laravel application

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v1.0.0 2016-05-05 14:48 UTC

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Last update: 2023-02-10 11:46:33 UTC


This is a very simple package that allows you to use the Facebook PHP SDK into your application.

What does the package do?

Basically, the package only stores your app_id and app_secret as the default access token to make API calls.


The package comes with a Laravel flavoured Service Provider, a Facade and a nice helper function to make development easy.

To install the package, just require it in composer:

composer require elmatella/simple-facebook-laravel-sdk

Update your config/app.php adding the following lines in your providers array:

'providers' => [

If you want to use the Facade that comes with the package, you will also have to register the facade in the same file:

'aliases' => [
	'Facebook' => ElMatella\SimpleFacebookLaravelSdk\FacebookFacade::class,

Now that your Service Provider is registered, you can launch the following command to copy the config file into config/facebook.php:

php artisan vendor:publish

By default, the configuration file is going to look for a FACEBOOK_APP_ID and a FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET in your .env file. If you don't want to use it, just edit the config/facebook.php file.


You now have access to every function part of the Facebook Sdk. I recommend to use the Facade or the helper function. These lines do exactly the same thing:

$response = facebook()->sendRequest('get','/',[
    'id' => 'https://www.martar.fr'

$response = \Facebook::sendRequest('get','/',[
    'id' => 'https://www.martar.fr'


To learn more about the available methods, I suggest you to read the Facebook PHP SDK documentation


This is my first package, please be indulgent if you find some bugs.