
Psr-15 middleware dispatcher factory resolving ADR definitions

dev-master 2018-03-23 11:53 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-25 23:29:13 UTC


This package provides a factory decorator for objects implementing Ellipse\DispatcherFactoryInterface from ellipse/dispatcher package. It allows to produce instances of Ellipse\Dispatcher using ADR definitions.

Require php >= 7.0

Installation composer require ellipse/dispatcher-adr

Run tests ./vendor/bin/kahlan

Create a dispatcher factory resolving ADR definitions

This package provides an Ellipse\Dispatcher\ActionResolver class implementing Ellipse\DispatcherFactoryInterface which allows to decorate any other object implementing this interface.

It takes a container implementing Psr\Container\ContainerInterface as first parameter and the factory to decorate as second parameter.

Once decorated, the resulting dispatcher factory can be used to produce instances of Ellipse\Dispatcher by resolving ADR definitions as Ellipse\Handlers\ActionRequestHandler instances from the ellipse/handlers-adr package.


namespace App;

use SomePsr11Container;

use Ellipse\DispatcherFactory;
use Ellipse\Dispatcher\ActionResolver;

// Get some Psr-11 container.
$container = new SomePsr11Container;

// Decorate a DispatcherFactoryInterface implementation with an ActionResolver.
$factory = new ActionResolver($container, new DispatcherFactory);

ADR definitions

An instance of ActionRequestHandler needs a container entry id of an object implementing Ellipse\ADR\DomainInterface, a container entry id of an object implementing Ellipse\Handlers\ResponderInterface and an optional array of default input. An ADR definition defines which Domain class, Responder class and default input should be used by the ActionRequestHandler. It can take two forms:

  • A string representing the fully qualified name of a Domain class
  • An array with at least one string as first element representing the fully qualified name of a Domain class. The fully qualified name of a Responder class and a default input array can be specified as optional second and third elements

For example SomeDomain::class, [SomeDomain::class], [SomeDomain::class, SomeResponder::class] and [SomeDomain::class, SomeResponder::class, ['default' => 'value']] are valid ADR definitions, assuming SomeDomain class implements DomainInterface and SomeResponder implements ResponderInterface.

When no Responder class name is specified (SomeDomain::class and [SomeDomain::class]), the container entry id used to retrieve the Responder instance defaults to Ellipse\Handlers\ResponderInterface. It allows to use a default Responder class when none is defined.

ActionRequestHandler logic is described on the ellipse/handlers-adr documentation page.


namespace App;

use SomePsr11Container;

use Ellipse\DispatcherFactory;
use Ellipse\Dispatcher\ActionResolver;

// Get some Psr-11 container.
$container = new SomePsr11Container;

// Decorate a DispatcherFactoryInterface implementation with an ActionResolver.
$factory = new ActionResolver($container, new DispatcherFactory);

// Dispatchers using ADR definitions as Psr-15 request handler can now be created.
$dispatcher1 = $factory(SomeDomain::class, [new SomeMiddleware]);
$dispatcher2 = $factory([SomeDomain::class], [new SomeMiddleware]);
$dispatcher3 = $factory([SomeDomain::class, SomeResponder::class], [new SomeMiddleware]);
$dispatcher4 = $factory([SomeDomain::class, SomeResponder::class, ['default' => 'value']], [new SomeMiddleware]);