
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Currency conversion from the future

0.1.1 2015-02-24 00:16 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-02-01 12:44:28 UTC


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PHP currency manipulation package from the future. Still in very early development.


Once Abacus has been set up successfully, it can be used like so:

$abacus = new Abacus(1250.00);          // Create a new Abacus object. Defaults to USD
echo $abacus;                           // "1250.00"
echo $abacus->format();                 // "$1,250.00"
echo $abacus->value                     // 1250

$abacus->toCurrency("GBP");             // Convert USD to GBP

$abacus->add(20);                       // Addition
$abacus->add(10, "GBP");                // Addition of a value in another currency
$abacus->add(new Abacus(5, "GBP");      // Adding another Abacus object
$abacus->sub(20);                       // Subtraction
$abacus->sub(10, "GBP");                // Subtraction of a value in another currency
$abacus->sub(new Abacus(5, "GBP");      // Subtract another Abacus object


Install Abacus via Composer by either including it in your composer.json file:

    "require": {
        "elliotwms/abacus": "0.1.*"

Or by running:

composer require elliotwms/abacus dev-master

Polling the API

Abacus depends on data retrieved from the Open Exchange Rates API. In order to use Abacus fully, you must poll the API using your own API key. Abacus will look for an environment variable named ABACUS_OPEN_EXCHANGE_KEY and can be polled in several ways.

I recommend setting up a CRON service to poll the Open Exchange hourly in order to keep an up to date record of the currency exchange rates. At the time of writing, the free tier of the Open Exchange Rates API allows for 1,000 calls per month and there are 744 hours in a month so you're sorted. It would be fruitless to poll more than once an hour on the free tier as the information is updated hourly.

If you want more up-to-the-minute exchange rates, I highly recommend signing up for a paid plan

Using the included script

Abacus includes a shell script to minimize the setup process.

You can call it like so (with absolute filepaths for your CRON service) from the root of your project directory:

php vendor/bin/abacus

By default it will use the ABACUS_OPEN_EXCHANGE_KEY environment variable, but if you need to specify it manually you can pass it as an argument:

php vendor/bin/abacus my_super_secret_api_key

Doing it manually


Abacus will also accept an API key directly:



Abacus uses test driven development, which means that in order to write a feature, you need to write a test for that feature. You're going to need to do a few things to get this up and running:

  • Install the development dependencies with composer install

  • Set your ABACUS_OPEN_EXCHANGE_KEY as an environment variable. You can do this in a bash shell with:

export ABACUS_OPEN_EXCHANGE_KEY=your_abacus_api_key
  • Poll the service with PHP to seed the exchange data:
php bin/abacus

You should see something similar to the following:

Polling OpenExchange
Successfully polled OpenExchange with environment variables
  • Run PHPUnit. If something didn't pass then you may have not set up your exchange data correctly.

From here you can write tests and run PHPUnit to test them, and off you go!