elegantmedia / php-toolkit
Utility and helper toolkit based on PHP best practises. No dependencies.
2021-09-10 01:42 UTC
- php: >=7.2.0
Requires (Dev)
- phpunit/phpunit: >=8.0
- squizlabs/php_codesniffer: ^3.0
This library holds commonly used helper functions used in many business applications. All features used PHP's native APIs and there are no third party dependencies.
Install via composer
composer require elegantmedia/php-toolkit
Available Commands
Array Helpers
use \ElegantMedia\PHPToolkit\Arr; // Check if an array is an associative array Arr::isAssoc($array); // get matching subset of array. Similar to `array_intersect`, but does recursively. Arr::intersectRecursive($source, $subset); // Implode, but exclude empty values Arr::implodeIgnoreEmpty($glue, $array); // Sway a key on an associative array Arr::swapKey($array, $oldKey, $newKey, $recursive = false); // Key values of an array to another key Arr::keyBy($array, $key);
use \ElegantMedia\PHPToolkit\Conversion; // Convert bytes to a human readble format // Example output: '200 KB', '1 MB', '3 TB' etc Conversion::bytesToHumans($bytes, $precision = 2); // Converts a string with numbers to a full number // Example: 1,232.12 -> becomes -> (int) 1232 Conversion::stringToInt($string); // Convert a string numeric to a float // Example: 1,232.12 -> becomes -> (float) 1232.12 Conversion::stringToFloat($value);
Directory Handling
use \ElegantMedia\PHPToolkit\Dir; // Create a directory if it doesn't exist Dir::makeDirectoryIfNotExists($dirPath, $permissions = 0775, $recursive = true); // Delete a directory Dir::deleteDirectory($dirPath); // Delete files in a directory by extension Dir::cleanDirectoryByWildcard('/my-dir-path/', 'txt'); // Delete files in a directory by (glob) wildcard Dir::cleanDirectoryByWildcard('/my-dir-path/', '*.txt');
File Editor
use \ElegantMedia\PHPToolkit\FileEditor; // Append a stub to a file, identified by the unique first line FileEditor::appendStubIfSectionNotFound($filePath, $stubPath) // Append a stub to a file FileEditor::appendStub($filePath, $stubPath, $verifyPathsExists = true) // Check if a string is in file FileEditor::isTextInFile($filePath, $string, $caseSensitive = true) // Find and replace text in a file $bytes = FileEditor::findAndReplace($filePath, $search, $replace) // Find and replace text in a file by regex $text = FileEditor::findAndReplaceRegEx($filePath, $searchRegEx, $replaceRegEx) // Check if two files are similar (by size and hash) FileEditor::areFilesSimilar($path1, $path2) // Read the first line from a file FileEditor::readFirstLine($filePath, $trim = true); // Get the classname and namespace from a while (by reading the file) FileEditor::getClassname('/my-path/file.php');
use \ElegantMedia\PHPToolkit\Loader; // Include all php files from a given directory Loader::includeAllFilesFromDir($dirPath); // Include all files recursively Loader::includeAllFilesFromDirRecursive($dirPath);
use \ElegantMedia\PHPToolkit\Path; Path::withEndingSlash($path); Path::withStartingSlash($path); Path::withoutEndingSlash($path); Path::withoutStartingSlash($path); // remove dot segments from paths // Example: Convert `/folder1/folder2/./../folder3` to `/folder1/folder3` Path::canonical($path);
use ElegantMedia\PHPToolkit\Reflector; // Get an inherited class' directory path Reflector::classPath($object, $pathSuffix = null);
use \ElegantMedia\PHPToolkit\Text; // Convert a block of text and split it into lines /* Example: one, two, three four five Returns: ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five'] */ Text::textToArray($text, $delimiters = null); // Convert an 'existing_snake_case' to 'existing snake case' Text::reverseSnake($string); // Generate a random string without any ambiguous characters // So it'll be easier to spell or read. For example, `AIilO01` will not be generated. Text::randomUnambiguous($length = 16)
use \ElegantMedia\PHPToolkit\Timing; // Get formatted microtimestamp. Example: `2008_07_14_010813.98232` Timing::microTimestamp()
Global Functions
// Check all values are !empty. Throws an exception if at least one value is empty // if APP_DEBUG=true ENV variable is set, you'll be able to see which variable was missing validate_all_present(); // Example: validate_all_present($var1, $var2, $var5)
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The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.
Copyright (c) 2020 Elegant Media.