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Elasticsearch-PHP lib adapted for Laminas

dev-main 2022-11-07 15:33 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-07 18:28:12 UTC


This is library for simple elasticsearch usage

This library can do two main things:
  1. retroactive indexing from your existing database and
  2. partial indexing records, update, delete and finally search

For first part of functionality you have to make 'elasticadapted' directory under /data/ directory. In that directory you have to make two files: -retroactiveIndexingConfig.php -doRetroactiveIndexing.php In first file you have to provide configuration array respectively under variable name $retroactiveIndexingConfig. There are an example of that array:

$retroactiveIndexingConfig = [
                'fields'=>['category_name', 'category_description'],
                'fields'=>['measure_unit_name', 'measure_unit_mark'],

queryConfig contains table name from your MySQL database and name of fields from that table that you want to index. indexConfig contains index name and name of id column from MySQL database table.

In second file you have to put following code:

require_once "vendor/autoload.php";
require_once "retroactiveIndexingConfig.php";


Then in your docker web container run following command:

php data/elasticadapted/doRetroactiveIndexing.php

Configuration for second part of functionality

In your global.php file you have to provide following configuration array:

            \Application\Entity\Product::class=>['name', 'description'],
            \Application\Entity\Category::class=>['categoryName', 'categoryDescription']

indexing part of this array provides, like keys, entity names whose fields you want to index, and like values, arrays with entity field names that you want to index.


In factory of service where you are adding record by entityManager, through factory of this service, you have to provide instance of ElasticManager like this:

$config = ($container->get('config'))['elastic_config'];
$elasticManager = new ElasticManager($config);

Now, you can inject $elasticManager in service constructor.

After calling method flush() in your service you have to provide this code:

$elasticIndexing = $this->elasticManager->getElasticIndexing();

where $instanceOfTargetedEntity is entity instance that you put in entity manager persist() method;


  1. get searching
$elasticSearching = $this->elasticManager->getElasticSearching();
$result = $elasticSearching->getById();    
  1. match searching
$elasticSearching = $this->elasticManager->getElasticSearching();
$result = $elasticSearching->matchSearching(['fieldName'=>'word']);  
  1. should match searching
$elasticSearching = $this->elasticManager->getElasticSearching();
$result = $elasticSearching->shouldMatchSearching([['fieldName'=>'word'],['fieldName'=>'word']]);
  1. must match searching
$elasticSearching = $this->elasticManager->getElasticSearching();
$result = $elasticSearching->mustMatchSearching([['fieldName'=>'word'],['fieldName'=>'word']]);
  1. should wildcard searching
$elasticSearching = $this->elasticManager->getElasticSearching();
$result = $elasticSearching->shouldWildcardsSearching([['fieldName'=>'word'],['fieldName'=>'word']]);
  1. must wildcard searching
$elasticSearching = $this->elasticManager->getElasticSearching();
$result = $elasticSearching->mustWildcardsSearching([['fieldName'=>'word'],['fieldName'=>'word']]);

For every indexed document is provided searching_content field, and in that field are contents from all indexed fields, it makes this possible:

$elasticSearching = $this->elasticManager->getElasticSearching();
$result = $elasticSearching->shouldWildcardsSearching([['searching_content'=>'*phraze*']]);


  1. Deleting all by index name
$elasticDeleting = $this->elasticManager->getElasticDeleting();
  1. Deleting by id
$elasticDeleting = $this->elasticManager->getElasticDeleting();


$elasticUpdating = $this->elasticManager->getElasticUpdating();