
Factory for creating objects via constructor arguments

v1.2.1 2025-01-05 12:35 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-27 22:45:52 UTC


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A factory class that passes each property directly to constructor. This way your class does not need to deal with received array to create itself from and there is no reflection magic involved. This is mostly useful for creating plain classes like value objects, entities, DTOs, etc.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require --dev ekvedaras/class-factory

PhpStorm plugin

Provides autocomplete and refactoring capabillities for PhpStorm.


use EKvedaras\ClassFactory\ClassFactory;
use EKvedaras\ClassFactory\ClosureValue;

class Account {
    public function __construct(
        public readonly int $id,
        public string $name,
        public array $orders,
        public \Closure $monitor,
    ) {

/** @extends ClassFactory<Account> */
class AccountFactory extends ClassFactory {
    protected string $class = Account::class;
    protected function definition(): array
        return [
            'id' => 1,
            'name' => 'John Doe',
            'orders' => [
                OrderFactory::new()->state(['id' => 1]),
                OrderFactory::new()->state(['id' => 2]),
            'monitor' => new ClosureValue(fn () => true),

    public function johnSmith(): static
        return $this->state([
            'id' => 2,
            'name' => 'John Smith',

$account = AccountFactory::new()
    ->johnSmith()                                                           // Can use predefiened states
    ->state(['name' => 'John Smitgh Jnr'])                                  // Can override factory state on the fly
    ->state(['name' => fn (array $attributes) => "{$attributes['name']}."]) // Can use closures and have access to already defined attributes
    ->state(function (array $attributes) {                                  // Can use closures and modify state of multiple attributes by returning an array
        $id = $attributes['id'] + 1;    
        return ['id' => $id];
    ->after(fn (Account $account) => sort($account->orders))                // Can modify constructed object after it was created
    ->state(['monitor' => new ClosureValue(fn () => false)])                // Can set state of closure type properties using `ClosureValue` wrapper
    ->make(['id' => 3])                                                     // Can provide final modifications and return the new object

Customising class creation

If you don't want class to be created by directly passing attributes to constructor, you can override newInstance method in the factory and do change the behavior.

protected function newInstance(array $properties): object
    return Account::makeUsingProperties($properties);


composer test


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The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.