
Feature-oriented programming with PHP and FeatureIDE

v1.1 2018-03-22 17:40 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-05 14:04:51 UTC


feature-php is a Composer package for analyzing and implementing feature-oriented software product lines.

It can be used to:

  • analyze and validate FeatureIDE feature models and configurations (domain analysis)
  • implement and trace features using the following variability mechanisms (domain implementation):
    • runtime variability for PHP code
    • build-system-like copying of files and directories
    • preprocessor-like template and chunk systems
    • feature-oriented programming (mixin-based)
    • aspect-oriented programming (using Go! AOP)
  • generate products and export them (e.g. as a ZIP file) (product derivation)

(If you'd like some visual tools for feature models and configurations, have a look at ekuiter/feature-configurator or ekuiter/feature-model-viz.)


To use feature-php, the following is required:

  • PHP >= 5.3
  • the libxml and SimpleXML extensions (most servers have these)

Also recommended are:

  • the DOM extension (for validating XML data)
  • the ZIP extension (for exporting products as ZIP files)

feature-php also depends on some Composer packages:

To install the dependencies, create the following composer.json file:

    "minimum-stability": "dev",
    "require": {
        "ekuiter/feature-php": "dev-master"

Then run composer install (more information on Composer). Refer to the guide for further information.


Check out the User Guide for installation and usage.

For a quick start, you can also

API Reference

The API reference for feature-php can be found here.

A good starting point is the ProductLine class. If you want to learn about configuration files, have a look at the ProductLine\Settings class.


Command line interface

After installing, run:

vendor/bin/feature-php --settings <productLine.json> --configuration <configuration.xml>

in your project root to analyze a given configuration. For more information on the command-line interface, run vendor/bin/feature-php or refer to the guide. To see example input files, see uvr2web.json and UVR1611.xml.

Script usage


 * This is a simple example for the usage of the feature-php library.
 * Here we are going to analyze a given feature model regarding a given configuration.
 * Then, for a valid configuration, we analyze the generated product.
 * Finally, the user may export a ZIP file and download it.
 * Feature models and configurations are expected to be supplied as
 * FeatureIDE XML files, see https://featureide.github.io/.
 * The product line settings can be supplied in various formats, see
 * the feature-php API reference.

use \FeaturePhp as fphp; // this is just for convenience so we can abbreviate the prefix "FeaturePhp\" below

require "vendor/autoload.php"; // include classes from Composer

// feature-php may throw exceptions, in particular on parsing errors.
// We just output an exception if we get one.
try {

    // read a product line settings file, containing the model and the default configuration
    $productLine = new fphp\ProductLine\ProductLine(fphp\ProductLine\Settings::fromFile("config.json"));

    // alternatively you can supply the settings directly as an array
    $productLine = new fphp\ProductLine\ProductLine(fphp\ProductLine\Settings::fromArray(array(
        "model" => "model.xml",
        "defaultConfiguration" => array(
            "data" => "<configuration></configuration>"

    // the configuration is user-supplied with the GET or POST parameter "configuration"
    // we could also use XmlConfiguration::fromString(...) or XmlConfiguration::fromFile(...)
    if (isset($_REQUEST["configuration"]))
        $configuration = new fphp\Model\Configuration(
    else // if not supplied, use the default configuration
        $configuration = $productLine->getDefaultConfiguration();
    // used for replacements by the templating system

    if (!isset($_REQUEST["generate"])) {
        // output some information on the model and configuration
        echo '<h2><a href="?generate">Generate</a></h2>';
        echo $configuration->renderAnalysis();
    } else {
        // we want to generate or export a product
        $product = $productLine->getProduct($configuration);
        if (!isset($_REQUEST["export"])) {
            // output some information on the product
            echo '<h2><a href="?generate&export">Download ZIP</a></h2>';
            echo $product->renderAnalysis();
        } else
            // export product as ZIP file (using "tmp" as a temporary directory)
            $product->export(new fphp\Exporter\DownloadZipExporter("tmp"));
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();



This project is released under the LGPL v3 license.