
for proxy or sending requests to other services with useful utilities

v4.0.1 2025-01-05 14:07 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-05 14:30:28 UTC


Internal communication between services with useful tools
Make request by laravel http client


composer require behamin/service-proxy

Publish config

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Ehsandevs\ServiceProxy\Providers\ProxyServiceProvider" --tag config

Add services

Add your project's base url and global headers in proxy.php config

return [
     * Headers added to every request
    'global_headers' => [
        'Accept' => 'application/json',

    'base_url' => env('PROXY_BASE_URL', env('APP_URL')),


Normal usage

use Ehsandevs\ServiceProxy\Proxy;

// Http Get
Proxy::withToken('Your bearer token')
        "Content-Type" => "application\json"
Proxy::post('api/articles', [
    "title" => "Test title",
    "body" => "Test body"

Proxy::patch('api/articles/1', [
    "title" => "Test title",
    "body" => "Test body"

Proxy::put('api/articles', [
    "title" => "Test title",
    "body" => "Test body"


Using http request

use Ehsandevs\ServiceProxy\Proxy;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;

public function index(Request $request) {
    $serviceName = 'test-service';
    Proxy::request($request, $serviceName);

Proxy events

On success

use Ehsandevs\ServiceProxy\Proxy;
use Ehsandevs\ServiceProxy\Responses\ProxyResponse;
Proxy::get('api/articles/1')->onSuccess(function (ProxyResponse $proxyResponse) {
        $data = $proxyResponse->data();
        $message = $proxyResponse->message();
        $response = $proxyResponse->response();
        $items = $proxyResponse->items();
        $count = $proxyResponse->count();

On error

use Ehsandevs\ServiceProxy\Proxy;
use Ehsandevs\ServiceProxy\Exceptions\ProxyException;
Proxy::get('api/articles/1')->onSuccess(function (ProxyException $proxyException) {
        $proxyResponse = $proxyException->proxyResponse;
        $trace = $proxyException->getTraceAsString();

On data success

use Ehsandevs\ServiceProxy\Proxy;
Proxy::get('api/articles/1')->onDataSuccess(function (array $data) {
        $id = $data['id'];

On data collection success

use Ehsandevs\ServiceProxy\Proxy;
Proxy::get('api/articles/1')->onCollectionSuccess(function (array $items, int $count) {

Proxy response methods

use Ehsandevs\ServiceProxy\Proxy;

$proxyResponse = Proxy::get('api/articles/1');
Method Description
data() given data
items() give items
count() given items count
errors() given errors if there is
message() given message
onSuccess($closure) When http request is successful
onError($closure) When http request is with error
onCollectionSuccess($closure) Get collection when http request is successful
onDataSuccess($closure) Get data when http request is successful
throw() Throw error if http request failed
toException() Get exception if http request failed

Proxy request methods

Method Return Type
fake($callback = null) \Illuminate\Http\Client\Factory
accept(string $contentType) \Ehsandevs\ServiceProxy\Http
acceptJson() \Ehsandevs\ServiceProxy\Http
asForm() \Ehsandevs\ServiceProxy\Http
asJson() \Ehsandevs\ServiceProxy\Http
asMultipart() \Ehsandevs\ServiceProxy\Http
async() \Ehsandevs\ServiceProxy\Http
attach(string array $name, string $contents = '', string null $filename = null, array $headers = []) \Ehsandevs\ServiceProxy\Http
baseUrl(string $url) \Ehsandevs\ServiceProxy\Http
beforeSending(callable $callback) \Ehsandevs\ServiceProxy\Http
bodyFormat(string $format) \Ehsandevs\ServiceProxy\Http
contentType(string $contentType) \Ehsandevs\ServiceProxy\Http
dd() \Ehsandevs\ServiceProxy\Http
dump() \Ehsandevs\ServiceProxy\Http
retry(int $times, int $sleep = 0) \Ehsandevs\ServiceProxy\Http
sink(string resource $to)
stub(callable $callback) \Ehsandevs\ServiceProxy\Http
timeout(int $seconds) \Ehsandevs\ServiceProxy\Http
withBasicAuth(string $username, string $password) \Ehsandevs\ServiceProxy\Http
withBody(resource string $content, string $contentType)
withCookies(array $cookies, string $domain) \Ehsandevs\ServiceProxy\Http
withDigestAuth(string $username, string $password) \Ehsandevs\ServiceProxy\Http
withHeaders(array $headers) \Ehsandevs\ServiceProxy\Http
withMiddleware(callable $middleware) \Ehsandevs\ServiceProxy\Http
withOptions(array $options) \Ehsandevs\ServiceProxy\Http
withToken(string $token, string $type = 'Bearer') \Ehsandevs\ServiceProxy\Http
withUserAgent(string $userAgent) \Ehsandevs\ServiceProxy\Http
withoutRedirecting() \Ehsandevs\ServiceProxy\Http
withoutVerifying() \Ehsandevs\ServiceProxy\Http
pool(callable $callback) array
request(Request $request, string $service) \Ehsandevs\ServiceProxy\Responses\ProxyResponse
get(string $url, array string
delete(string $url, array $data = []) \Ehsandevs\ServiceProxy\Responses\ProxyResponse
head(string $url, array string
patch(string $url, array $data = []) \Ehsandevs\ServiceProxy\Responses\ProxyResponse
post(string $url, array $data = []) \Ehsandevs\ServiceProxy\Responses\ProxyResponse
put(string $url, array $data = []) \Ehsandevs\ServiceProxy\Responses\ProxyResponse
send(string $method, string $url, array $options = []) \Ehsandevs\ServiceProxy\Responses\ProxyResponse
fakeSequence(string $urlPattern = '*') \Illuminate\Http\Client\ResponseSequence
assertSent(callable $callback) void
assertNotSent(callable $callback) void
assertNothingSent() void
assertSentCount(int $count) void
assertSequencesAreEmpty() void

Mocking proxy response

You can use mock() on Proxy class before calling http methods and pass the json path in your 'tests/mock' directory, to mock a json for faking your Proxy response in test mode. Example:

use Ehsandevs\ServiceProxy\Proxy;