
A Symfony2 bundle that makes it easy to configure and deploy your app on Pagoda Box.

This package's canonical repository appears to be gone and the package has been frozen as a result.

v2.0.0 2014-03-03 23:25 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2019-02-27 11:34:32 UTC


Build Status Project Status: Unsupported - The project has reached a stable, usable state but the author(s) have ceased all work on it. A new maintainer may be desired. License

This project is no longer maintained. A Symfony2 bundle that makes it easy to configure and deploy your app on Pagoda Box.


  • Focus on high-performance
    • Never use shared writable directories for Symfony's cache (why?)
    • Store PHP sessions in Redis (why?)
  • Easily configure Doctrine connection parameters with no extra setup
  • Easily configure Doctrine to utilize Pagoda Box caches
  • Full composer support
    • Don't check in your vendor directory! This bundle installs your dependencies during the build on Pagoda Box.
    • Optionally utilize a GitHub OAuth token to prevent timeouts
  • Excellent test coverage - ready for production


  • Symfony 2.3+

###Installation Add to your composer.json:

"require": {
   "ehough/pagodabox-bundle": "dev-master"

Then register the bundle in app/AppKernel.php:

public function registerBundles()
    return array(

        // ...
        new Ehough\Bundle\PagodaBoxBundle\EhoughPagodaBoxBundle()

###Feature: Easy Application Deployment

Perhaps the most valuable feature of this bundle is the ability to properly deploy a composer-based Symfony2 app to Pagoda Box. Simply add the following two after_build steps:



    -<relative path to your Symfony app root>/app/logs    # notice: no app/cache directory!

    - curl -Lso ./; sed -i -e 's/\r//';
    - bash ./ <relative path to your Symfony app root> <optional GitHub OAuth token>

The two after_build steps above effectively download and execute, which will do the following on your behalf:

  1. Download composer.phar from
  2. If you supplied a GitHub OAuth token, configure composer to utilize it.
  3. Install your app's dependencies (composer install)
  4. Create an optimized classloader for maximum classloading peformance (composer dump-autoload --optimize)
  5. Build any assetic assets (app/console" "assetic:dump" --env=prod)
  6. Clear any leftover Symfony cache (app/console" "cache:clear" --env=prod)
  7. Warm the Symfony cache (app/console" "cache:warmup" --env=prod)
  8. Trigger an initial HTTP request to Symfony to finish warming the cache (php web/app.php)

This will fully prepare your Symfony2 app for production before it's deployed to its final web server. Notice that we are not using the app/cache directory for shared writable storage. Neat!

###Feature: Redis Session Storage Pagoda Box strongly recommends that you utilize a Redis cache for session storage. This bundle makes this task as easy as possible.




  php_session_save_handler: redis
  php_session_save_path: "tcp://"



  store_sessions_in_redis: true

That's it! Your Symony sessions will now magically be stored safely in Redis.

###Feature: Better Annotations Caching By default, Symfony will use a file-based cache for its annotations cache. With this bundle we can easily utilize a Pagoda Box cache instead.



  php_extensions: # at least one of these



    type: memcached         # memcache or memcached
    pagoda_env_id: CACHE2   # the Pagoda Box cache ID you'd like to use for the annotations cache

The type parameter can have a value of memcache, memcached, or redis, depending on the actual type of the cache you identify in the pagoda_env_id parameter.

###Feature: Easier Doctrine Connection Configuration Pagoda Box provides instructions on how to configure your Symfony database for their platform. However, this bundle makes the process much easier.


          pagoda_env_id : DB1
          platform_class: Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\MySqlPlatform

As you can see in the above app/config_prod.yml, you define a map of Doctrine DBAL connection identifiers to their corresponding Pagoda Box databases. In the example above, we are mapping the default DBAL connection to DB1. i.e. The default connection will receive the values of the environment variables DB1_HOST, DB1_PORT, etc.

It's also necessary to specify a platform_class for each connection. This should be the class name that represents the underlying DB connection, and should be a class that extends \Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\AbstractPlatform. This step is necessary so that \Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\CacheWarmer\ProxyCacheWarmer can do its job without having to contact the database (which we don't yet have access to). Since Pagoda Box currently only supports MySQL, you will always set platform_class to Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\MySqlPlatform.

In most cases, you will simply need to configure the default DBAL connection, but you can define as many connection mappings as you like. e.g.

          pagoda_env_id : DB1
          platform_class: Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\MySqlPlatform
          pagoda_env_id: DB2
          platform_class: Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\MySqlPlatform
          pagoda_env_id: DB3
          platform_class: Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\MySqlPlatform

###Feature: Easier Doctrine Cache Configuration Out of the box, Symfony provides in-memory caches for Doctrine's query, result, and metadata caches. With this bundle, we can easily configure Doctrine to utilize any number of Pagoda Box memcached instances instead.



  php_extensions: # at least one of these


	  caching:                      # a map of Doctrine ORM entity manager IDs to
		  metadata:                 # metadata, query, or result
		    type: memcache          # memcache or memcached
      		pagoda_env_id: CACHE3 	# the Pagoda Box cache ID. This must be a Memcache cache!
            type: memcache
            pagoda_env_id: CACHE4
            type: memcache
            pagoda_env_id: CACHE5

In the example above, we are configuring the default entity manager's metadata, query, and result cache. Each cache accepts a type (memcache or memcached) as well as the Pagoda Box memcached instance identifier.

###Configuration Reference


  store_sessions_in_redis: true     # use Redis for session storage?


    type: redis                     # memcache or memcached
    pagoda_env_id: CACHE2           # the Pagoda Box cache ID


	  connections:                  # a map of Doctrine DBAL connection IDs to Pagoda Box database IDs
	    default: DB1                # maps the "default" Doctrine DBAL connection to DB1_HOST, DB1_PORT, etc
	    other: DB2                  # maps the "other" Doctrine DBAL connection to DB2_HOST, DB2_PORT, etc

	  caching:                      # a map of Doctrine ORM entity manager IDs to
		  metadata:                 # metadata, query, or result
		    type: memcache          # memcache or memcached
      		pagoda_env_id: CACHE3 	# the Pagoda Box cache ID. This must be a Memcache cache!
            type: memcache
            pagoda_env_id: CACHE4
            type: memcache
            pagoda_env_id: CACHE5