
A TYPO3 example extension with examples of update script, eID integration, scheduler tasks and default TypoScript.

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Open Issues: 0


1.0.4 2017-10-29 09:14 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-07-24 05:49:30 UTC


A basic TYPO3 extension which includes examples for useful TYPO3 functions to use in new extensions. It could be used as example in the TYPO3 Bootstrap package.


  • [Example-1]: Extension Manager configuration file reading (ext_conf_template.txt)
  • [Example-2]: an update script which could be executed in Extension Manager
  • [Example-3]: a basic composer.json file
  • [Example-4]: a custom content element which uses default fields and shows a backend preview (button)
  • [Example-5]: an Extbase plugin which shows a basic backend preview and renders two buttons to demonstrate AJAX requests
  • [Example-6]: an example Extbase dispatcher for rendering AJAX requests via eID
  • [Example-7]: an example for AJAX requests with typoscript_rendering extension
  • [Example-8]: automatically include the constants and setup for the extension
  • [Example-9]: a backend module to show the basic functionality
  • [Example-10]: a default scheduler task with custom fields
  • [Example-11]: a scheduler task as command controller task (could be executed via command line)
  • [Example-12]: register extension icons with the icon registry
  • [Example-13]: custom flash messages ViewHelper to get all flash messages used in [Example-2]


1) Installation

The simplest way to test the extension is to use the TYPO3 Bootstrap package as base system. You need also the extension typoscript_rendering.

Installation using Composer

The recommended way to install the extension is by using (Composer)2. In your Composer based TYPO3 project root, just do composer require ehaerer/eh-bootstrap.

Installation as extension from TYPO3 Extension Repository (TER)

Download and install the extension with the extension manager module.

2) Minimal setup

No special setup is needed. All files will be included automatically. Read the documentation.