efectn / php-pdf-calendar
PDF month calendar generator
2019-03-27 00:00 UTC
- php: ^7.3
- tecnickcom/tcpdf: ^6.2.26
Generate PDF month calendars with autoscaling/sizing.
Originally forked from a-schild/pdfcalendarbuilder, but under active maintenance.
With the addMonth() introduced in 1.0.8 you can generate a PDF containing multiple months. Each month will be on it's own page then.
Unique Features
The class can try to put everything on one page.
In an normal calendar, all rows have the same height.
This library can shrink/expand rows, so everything fits on one page. See setResizeRowHeightsIfNeeded(true/false);
If this is not enough, it can reduce the font size until everything fits on one page. See setShrinkFontSizeIfNeeded(true/false);
Installation & Usage:
Run: composer require efectn/php-pdf-calendar
Creating the class and generate calendar
$cal = new efectn\PDFCalendarBuilder\CalendarBuilder(1, 2019, "Calendar title", true, 'mm', 'A4');
$cal->addEntry($startDate, $endDate, "Entry 1", "#000000", "#fffff");
$cal->Output("calendar.pdf", "I");
Creating the class and generate calendar for 3 months (Required version 1.0.7 or higher)
$cal = new efectn\PDFCalendarBuilder\CalendarBuilder(1, 2019, "Calendar title Jan", true, 'mm', 'A4');
$cal->addEntry($startDate1, $endDate1, "Entry 1", "#000000", "#ffffff");
$cal->addMonth(2, 2019, "Title for Feb");
$cal->addEntry($startDate2, $endDate2, "Entry 1", "#000000", "#ffffff");
$cal->addMonth(3, 2019, "Title for March");
$cal->addEntry($startDate3, $endDate3, "Entry 1", "#000000", "#ffffff");
$cal->Output("calendar.pdf", "I");
- Empty calendar, no entries, just a month grid
- Overflowing boxes in normal libraries
- Resize row heights to adapt space usage
- Resize row heights and shrink font size if needed
- Day spanning events
(C) 2019-2022 A.Schild, (C) 2022 Efe Çetin