
Create a TYPO3 Extbase Extension from an existing database schema.

v0.2.0 2015-12-14 17:39 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-27 15:20:40 UTC


Create a TYPO3 Extbase Extension from an existing database schema.


Clone or install via composer:

composer require edrush/extbaser


1. Export your database schema to a TYPO3 Extbase Extension

php bin/app.php extbaser:export dbname

(Connection parameters default to Symfony best practices)

To configure your connection type:

php bin/app.php extbaser:export -u username -p password dbname

The generated extension folder contains the file ExtensionBuilder.json, which is the project file for the TYPO3 Extension Builder to scaffold your extension, see below.

2. Upload the extension to your TYPO3 installation

Move the generated folder to the 'typo3conf/ext' folder of your TYPO3 installation.

3. Install the new extension in your TYPO3 installation

  • Log in to your TYPO3 Backend
  • Open module Extension Builder (if there's no such module: install it in the Extension Manager)
  • Click Load and select your new extension key
  • Adapt the extension configuration to your needs
  • Click Save
  • Activate your extension in the Extension Manager


Extbaser also supports roundtriping of TYPO3 Extbase Extensions, which means that if you update the extension with Extbaser all Extension properties set in the Extension Builder will remain:

  • Copy the extension to a location where Extbaser can access it
  • Retype the export command you used before and add the -r option: php bin/app.php extbaser:export dbname target_extension_key -r --path=... (the path variable is the parent folder of your extension folder, set it if the extension is not in your current directory)


php bin/app.php extbaser:export --help

  extbaser:export [options] [--] <dbname>

  dbname                               The database you want to export

      --extension-key[=EXTENSION-KEY]  The target TYPO3 Extension key
      --path[=PATH]                    The path to export the extension to [default: "."]
  -u, --user[=USER]                    The database user [default: "root"]
  -p, --password[=PASSWORD]            The database password
      --host[=HOST]                    The database host [default: ""]
      --driver[=DRIVER]                The database driver [default: "pdo_mysql"]
      --port[=PORT]                    The database port
      --filter=FILTER                  A string pattern used to match entities that should be mapped (multiple values allowed)
  -f, --force                          Override existing extension
  -r, --round-trip                     Roundtrip existing extension
  -h, --help                           Display this help message
  -q, --quiet                          Do not output any message
  -V, --version                        Display this application version
      --ansi                           Force ANSI output
      --no-ansi                        Disable ANSI output
  -n, --no-interaction                 Do not ask any interactive question
  -v|vv|vvv, --verbose                 Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug


Extbaser works great with the TYPO3 Extension XmTools to connect TYPO3 CMS to APIs.