
Easily manage Symfony2 forms with multiple steps logic.

dev-master 2014-07-15 09:11 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-04 00:18:42 UTC



This bundle functionality is to help you manage multiple steps forms in a single controller with a single view. This bundle has been made for Symfony > 2.5.


Require PHP version 5.3 or greater.


Register the bundle in your composer.json

    "require": {
        "edouardkombo/multi-step-forms-bundle": "dev-master"

Now, install the vendor

php composer.phar install

Register MultiStepFormsBundle namespace in your app/appKernel.php

new EdouardKombo\MultiStepFormsBundle\EdouardKomboMultiStepFormsBundle(),

Add MultiStepFormsBundle routes in your app/config/routing.yml, we will see further how to customize routes

resource: "@EdouardKomboMultiStepFormsBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
prefix:   /{_locale}/registration/step 

Now, add the config parameters inside your app/config/config.yml. The default configs are designed for a multistep registration form, but you can easily extend them to any kind of forms you want.

        #Create your own param here, name it how you want, (user_registration) is just for demo

            #Mandatory: Main entity where to save your forms datas
            entity_namespace: 'your_form_entity_namespace'
            #Mandatory: Form types in order of execution
            forms_order: ['namespace_of_first_form', 'namespace_of_second_form', 'namespace_of_third_form']
            #Mandatory: The three below form types will be redirected to a single action controller that will save datas
            #Of course, you can customize the way you want by overriding
            actions_order: ['edouard_kombo_multi_step_forms_create', 'edouard_kombo_multi_step_forms_create', 'edouard_kombo_multi_step_forms_create']
            #Mandatory: Each form will be render in a single view template specified in "indexAction", in the main controller
            #The last parameter is the route to be redirected to when the process is finished
            redirect_order: ['edouard_kombo_multi_step_forms_show', 'edouard_kombo_multi_step_forms_show', 'edouard_kombo_multi_step_forms_show', 'frontend_payment_choice']
            #Mandatory: This option is mandatory for routes
            allowed_roles: ['ROLE_USER', 'ROLE_MANAGER']
            #Optional: Form entity that will trigger authentication in case of user registration form
            authentication_trigger: 'form_type_namespace_that_triggers_authentication'
            #Optional: Your specified firewall (in security.yml), in case of user registration form
            authentication_firewall: 'main'
            #Optional: Where Doctrine will find the user, just after subsscription, for authentication
            authentication_entity_provider: 'VendorNameBundle:Entity'

            #Optional: Your mailer service, in case of user registration form
            #If not specified, no mail will be sent to user
            #authentication_mailer_service: 'your_mailer_servce'


All the magic of MultiStepFormsBundle is written in one controller, one listener and one helper. You will only need two routes inside the global route you defined.

Example: You want to setup a multistep registration form.

  1. Create a "UserStepRegistrationController.php" controller in your userBundle and override the EdouardKombo\MultiStepFormsBundle\Controller\MultiStepFormsController.php class with it. Make sure to target a single template view in your bundle.

  2. Create a "LoginListener" in your userBundle and override the EdouardKombo\MultiStepFormsBundle\Listener\LoginListener.php class with it.

  3. Create a "MultiStepFormsHelper" in your userBundle and override the EdouardKombo\MultiStepFormsBundle\Helper\MultiStepFormsHelper.php class with it.

  4. Override your services and inject the correct parameter specified in app/config/config.yml, here "user registration".

    parameters: multistep_forms.login_listener.class: VendorName\UserBundle\Listener\LoginListener multistep_forms.controller.class: VendorName\UserBundle\Controller\MultiStepFormsController multistep_forms.helper.class: VendorName\UserBundle\Helper\MultiStepFormsHelper

    services: multistep_forms.helper: class: %multistep_forms.helper.class% arguments: - %multistep_forms.CONFIG_PARAMETER% #Here it will be "user_registration" - @security.context - @service_container

         class: %multistep_forms.login_listener.class%
             - @doctrine.orm.entity_manager
             - @service_container
             - @security.context
         class: %multistep_forms.controller.class%     
  5. Define your routes. Only two routes are needed, show and create. Routes have this format: /show/{user_role}/{step}

    • {user_role}: is the role you want the user to be registered (it has no incidence for other forms but is mandatory).
    • {step}: current step, depending on the configurations

Define your global route in app/config/routing.yml

    resource: "@VendorUserBundle/Resources/config/routing/multistep_registration.xml"
    prefix:   /{_locale}/registration/step

In your multistep_registration.xml

<route id="frontend_multistep_registration_show" pattern="/show/{user_role}/{step}">
    <default key="_controller">VendorUserBundle:UserStepRegistration:index</default>
    <default key="user_role">manager</default>
    <requirement key="step">\d+</requirement>
    <requirement key="user_role">[a-zA-Z]+</requirement>         

<route id="frontend_multistep_registration_create" pattern="/create/{user_role}/{step}">
    <default key="_controller">VendorUserBundle:UserStepRegistration:save</default>
    <default key="user_role">manager</default>
    <requirement key="_method">POST</requirement>
    <requirement key="step">\d+</requirement>
    <requirement key="user_role">[a-zA-Z]+</requirement>        
  1. Change the bundle configs in app/config/congif.yml and that's ok, you're ready to go.


If you want to help me improve this bundle, please make sure it conforms to the PSR coding standard. The easiest way to contribute is to work on a checkout of the repository, or your own fork, rather than an installed version.


Bug reports and feature requests can be submitted on the Github issues tracker.

For further informations, contact me directly at edouard.kombo@gmail.com.