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v1 2024-01-24 22:10 UTC


This is a lightweight PHP SDK for the Edge payment gateway. It uses Guzzle for making API requests and returns the responses as an array/object by default. The sdk communicates with the endpoint.


To install the SDK, add the following to your composer.json file:

"require": {
    "edge-payment-technologies/edge-php-sdk": "^1.0"

Then run composer install to add the SDK to your project.


First, you need to set your API key. This can be done using the setApiKey method in the Auth class.


After setting the API key, you can use the Client class to make requests to the Edge API. The Client class has four methods: create, get, update, and delete. Each of these methods takes two parameters: the endpoint and an optional body.

Here are some examples:

$create = Edge\Client::create('payment_demands', [] /*body can be placed here*/);

$get = Edge\Client::get('payment_demands', [] /*body can be placed here*/);

$update = Edge\Client::update('payment_demands', [] /*body can be placed here*/);

$delete = Edge\Client::delete('payment_demands', [] /*body can be placed here*/);

By default, the response from these methods will be an object. If you want to get the response as an array, you can use the toArray method.

$response = Edge\Client::get('payment_demands');
$arrayResponse = $response->toArray();

Error Handling

This sdk uses exceptions for error handling. If an error occurs during a request, an Exception will be thrown. You can catch these exceptions to handle errors in your application.

try {
    $response = Edge\Client::get('payment_demands');
} catch (Edge\Exception $e) {
    echo 'Error: ' . $e->getMessage();


The SDK also includes a Helpers class with useful methods. For example, you can use the convertAlpha2ToAlpha3 method to convert a country code from ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 to ISO 3166-1 alpha-3.

$alpha3 = Edge\Helpers::convertAlpha2ToAlpha3('US');


Contributions are welcome. Please submit a pull request or create an issue if you have any improvements or find any bugs.