
There is no license information available for the latest version (0.0.5) of this package.

Will Benchmark PHP Functions For Food

0.0.5 2019-06-04 17:14 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-13 16:34:47 UTC


A PHP package that takes in an array of functions and gives the user a report that ranks the runtime performance of each one. So far the functions will be ranked by min, max or average times. The report is customizable and currently supports JSON, console printing or file printing.

Current Version:


Getting Started


Requires PHP 8.1.2


This project is a composer package. To install this library to your project run:

composer require eandrews737/benchmarker

Find it on Packagist

Using the Project

To use the project simply install the package and add:

require 'vendor/eandrews737/benchmarker/src/benchmark.php';
use Benchmarker\Benchmarker;

Then make a call to the benchmark function on the benchmaker class. Example Call:

Benchmarker::benchmark(["function1", "function2"], 5, true, 'json');


  • functions (required array) - Array of functions.
  • executionAmount (int) - Amount of times to test each function. Defaults to 1.
  • isAscSort (boolean) - Whether or not to arrange the info ASC or DESC. Defaults to ASC.
  • printStyle (string) - Printing format. Defaults to JSON.

See next section for more details about printStyle.


Supported formats:

  • raw - returns an object containing arrays of the data
  • file - returns a formatted string of the data saved to a file called benchmark.txt
  • string - returns a formatted string of the data
  • json - returns the data is a JSON format

Running Tests

Unit testing for this project utilizes phpunit.

Unit Testing

Testing for this project requires consistent times. So a simple test would be comparing a very slow function against a fast one. The results should always be consistent 99% of the time.

Go into the tests folder and run the following command:

phpunit test.php

While in the root directory, of course.

Built With




This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details