
No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)

dev-main 2022-06-03 08:36 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:38:06 UTC


No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)

Installation & Usage


PHP 7.4 and later. Should also work with PHP 8.0.


To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json:

  "repositories": [
      "type": "vcs",
      "url": "https://github.com/e-monsite/e-monsite-api-php-client.git"
  "require": {
    "e-monsite/e-monsite-api-php-client": "*@dev"

Then run composer install

Manual Installation

Download the files and include autoload.php:


Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure API key authorization: apiKey
$config = EmonsiteApi\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('Authorization', 'YOUR_API_KEY');
// Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
// $config = EmonsiteApi\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKeyPrefix('Authorization', 'Bearer');

$apiInstance = new EmonsiteApi\Api\AlbumImageApi(
    // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
    // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
    new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$siteId = 'siteId_example'; // string
$page = 1; // int | The collection page number
$itemsPerPage = 30; // int | The number of items per page

try {
    $result = $apiInstance->getAlbumImageCollection($siteId, $page, $itemsPerPage);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling AlbumImageApi->getAlbumImageCollection: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;

API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to http://localhost

Class Method HTTP request Description
AlbumImageApi getAlbumImageCollection GET /album_images Retrieves the collection of AlbumImage resources.
AlbumImageApi getAlbumImageItem GET /album_images/{id} Retrieves a AlbumImage resource.
AlbumImageApi postAlbumImageCollection POST /album_images Creates a AlbumImage resource.
AuthentificationApi postCredentialsItem POST /auth Get a JWT token to login.
BeginCategoryApi deleteBeginCategoryItem DELETE /begin_categories/{id} Removes the BeginCategory resource.
BeginCategoryApi getBeginCategoryCollection GET /begin_categories Retrieves the collection of BeginCategoryOutputDto resources.
BeginCategoryApi getBeginCategoryItem GET /begin_categories/{id} Retrieves a BeginCategoryOutputDto resource.
BeginCategoryApi patchBeginCategoryItem PATCH /begin_categories/{id} Updates the BeginCategory resource.
BeginCategoryApi postBeginCategoryCollection POST /begin_categories Creates a BeginCategory resource.
BeginChoiceApi deleteBeginChoiceItem DELETE /begin_choices/{id} Removes the BeginChoice resource.
BeginChoiceApi getBeginChoiceCollection GET /begin_choices Retrieves the collection of BeginChoiceOutputDto resources.
BeginChoiceApi getBeginChoiceItem GET /begin_choices/{id} Retrieves a BeginChoiceOutputDto resource.
BeginChoiceApi patchBeginChoiceItem PATCH /begin_choices/{id} Updates the BeginChoice resource.
BeginChoiceApi postBeginChoiceCollection POST /begin_choices Creates a BeginChoice resource.
BlogPostApi getBlogPostCollection GET /blog_posts Retrieves the collection of BlogPostOutputDto resources.
BlogPostApi getBlogPostItem GET /blog_posts/{id} Retrieves a BlogPostOutputDto resource.
BrandApi apiBrandsBrandDomainsGetSubresource GET /brands/{id}/brand_domains Retrieves the collection of Branddomain resources.
BrandApi getBrandCollection GET /brands Retrieves the collection of BrandOutputDto resources.
BrandApi getBrandItem GET /brands/{id} Retrieves a BrandOutputDto resource.
BrandApi patchBrandItem PATCH /brands/{id} Updates the Brand resource.
BrandMailtemplateApi getBrandMailtemplateCollection GET /brand_mailtemplates Retrieves the collection of BrandMailtemplateOutputDto resources.
BrandMailtemplateApi getBrandMailtemplateItem GET /brand_mailtemplates/{id} Retrieves a BrandMailtemplateOutputDto resource.
BranddomainApi apiBrandsBrandDomainsGetSubresource GET /brands/{id}/brand_domains Retrieves the collection of Branddomain resources.
BranddomainApi getBranddomainCollection GET /branddomains Retrieves the collection of BranddomainOutputDto resources.
BranddomainApi getBranddomainItem GET /branddomains/{id} Retrieves a BranddomainOutputDto resource.
CategoryApi getCategoryCollection GET /categories Retrieves the collection of CategoryOutputDto resources.
CategoryApi getCategoryItem GET /categories/{id} Retrieves a CategoryOutputDto resource.
CategoryApi postCategoryCollection POST /categories Creates a Category resource.
CommandApi activateCommandItem GET /commands/{id}/activate Activate a command (payment received)
CommandApi getCommandCollection GET /commands Retrieves the collection of CommandOutputDto resources.
CommandApi getCommandItem GET /commands/{id} Retrieves a CommandOutputDto resource.
CommandApi patchCommandItem PATCH /commands/{id} Updates the Command resource.
CommandProductApi getCommandProductCollection GET /command_products Retrieves the collection of CommandProductOutputDto resources.
CommandProductApi getCommandProductItem GET /command_products/{id} Retrieves a CommandProductOutputDto resource.
CommandProductApi postCommandProductCollection POST /command_products Creates a CommandProduct resource.
CouponApi deleteCouponItem DELETE /coupons/{id} Removes the Coupon resource.
CouponApi getCouponCollection GET /coupons Retrieves the collection of CouponOutputDto resources.
CouponApi getCouponItem GET /coupons/{id} Retrieves a CouponOutputDto resource.
CouponApi postCouponCollection POST /coupons Creates a Coupon resource.
CouponApi putCouponItem PUT /coupons/{id} Replaces the Coupon resource.
DirectoryCategoryApi deleteDirectoryCategoryItem DELETE /directory_categories/{id} Removes the DirectoryCategory resource.
DirectoryCategoryApi getDirectoryCategoryCollection GET /directory_categories Retrieves the collection of DirectoryCategoryOutputDto resources.
DirectoryCategoryApi getDirectoryCategoryItem GET /directory_categories/{id} Retrieves a DirectoryCategoryOutputDto resource.
DirectoryCategoryApi patchDirectoryCategoryItem PATCH /directory_categories/{id} Updates the DirectoryCategory resource.
DirectoryCategoryApi postDirectoryCategoryCollection POST /directory_categories Creates a DirectoryCategory resource.
DirectorySiteApi deleteDirectorySiteItem DELETE /directory_sites/{id} Removes the DirectorySite resource.
DirectorySiteApi getDirectorySiteCollection GET /directory_sites Retrieves the collection of DirectorySiteOutputDto resources.
DirectorySiteApi getDirectorySiteItem GET /directory_sites/{id} Retrieves a DirectorySiteOutputDto resource.
DirectorySiteApi patchDirectorySiteItem PATCH /directory_sites/{id} Updates the DirectorySite resource.
DirectorySiteApi postDirectorySiteCollection POST /directory_sites Creates a DirectorySite resource.
EcoCombinationApi deleteEcoCombinationItem DELETE /eco_combinations/{id} Removes the EcoCombination resource.
EcoCombinationApi getEcoCombinationCollection GET /eco_combinations Retrieves the collection of EcoCombinationOutputDto resources.
EcoCombinationApi getEcoCombinationItem GET /eco_combinations/{id} Retrieves a EcoCombinationOutputDto resource.
EcoCombinationApi postEcoCombinationCollection POST /eco_combinations Creates a EcoCombination resource.
EcoDiscountApi deleteEcoDiscountItem DELETE /eco_discounts/{id} Removes the EcoDiscount resource.
EcoDiscountApi getEcoDiscountCollection GET /eco_discounts Retrieves the collection of EcoDiscountOutputDto resources.
EcoDiscountApi getEcoDiscountItem GET /eco_discounts/{id} Retrieves a EcoDiscountOutputDto resource.
EcoDiscountApi patchEcoDiscountItem PATCH /eco_discounts/{id} Updates the EcoDiscount resource.
EcoDiscountApi postEcoDiscountCollection POST /eco_discounts Creates a EcoDiscount resource.
EcoManufacturerApi getEcoManufacturerCollection GET /eco_manufacturers Retrieves the collection of EcoManufacturerOutputDto resources.
EcoManufacturerApi getEcoManufacturerItem GET /eco_manufacturers/{id} Retrieves a EcoManufacturerOutputDto resource.
EcoOrderApi getEcoOrderCollection GET /eco_orders Retrieves the collection of EcoOrderOutputDto resources.
EcoOrderApi getEcoOrderItem GET /eco_orders/{id} Retrieves a EcoOrderOutputDto resource.
EcoOrderApi patchEcoOrderItem PATCH /eco_orders/{id} Updates the EcoOrder resource.
EcoOrderDetailUploadApi downloadEcoOrderDetailUploadItem GET /eco_order_detail_uploads/{id}/download download the file
EcoPacklinkCarrierApi getEcoPacklinkCarrierItem GET /eco_packlink_carriers/{id} Retrieves a EcoPacklinkOutputDto resource.
EcoPictureApi getEcoPictureItem GET /eco_pictures/{id} Retrieves a EcoPictureOutputDto resource.
EcoPictureApi postEcoPictureCollection POST /eco_pictures Creates a EcoPicture resource.
EcoProductApi deleteEcoProductItem DELETE /eco_products/{id} Removes the EcoProduct resource.
EcoProductApi getEcoProductCollection GET /eco_products Retrieves the collection of EcoProductOutputDto resources.
EcoProductApi getEcoProductItem GET /eco_products/{id} Retrieves a EcoProductOutputDto resource.
EcoProductApi patchEcoProductItem PATCH /eco_products/{id} Updates the EcoProduct resource.
EcoProductApi postEcoProductCollection POST /eco_products Creates a EcoProduct resource.
EcoSupplierApi getEcoSupplierCollection GET /eco_suppliers Retrieves the collection of EcoSupplierOutputDto resources.
EcoSupplierApi getEcoSupplierItem GET /eco_suppliers/{id} Retrieves a EcoSupplierOutputDto resource.
EcoTaxApi getEcoTaxCollection GET /eco_taxes Retrieves the collection of EcoTaxOutputDto resources.
EcoTaxApi getEcoTaxItem GET /eco_taxes/{id} Retrieves a EcoTaxOutputDto resource.
GroupApi getGroupCollection GET /groups Retrieves the collection of GroupOutputDto resources.
GroupApi getGroupItem GET /groups/{id} Retrieves a GroupOutputDto resource.
GroupApi postGroupCollection POST /groups Creates a Group resource.
OfferApi getOfferCollection GET /offers Retrieves the collection of OfferOutputDto resources.
OfferApi getOfferItem GET /offers/{id} Retrieves a OfferOutputDto resource.
RoleApi deleteRoleItem DELETE /roles/{id} Removes the Role resource.
RoleApi getRoleCollection GET /roles Retrieves the collection of RoleOutputDto resources.
RoleApi getRoleItem GET /roles/{id} Retrieves a RoleOutputDto resource.
RoleApi patchRoleItem PATCH /roles/{id} Updates the Role resource.
RoleApi postRoleCollection POST /roles Creates a Role resource.
RoleApi resourcesRoleItem GET /roles-resources Get all role resources
SessionApi getSessionCollection GET /sessions Retrieves the collection of SessionOutputDto resources.
SessionApi getSessionItem GET /sessions/{id} Retrieves a SessionOutputDto resource.
SiteApi apiSitesSiteUsersGetSubresource GET /sites/{id}/site_users Retrieves the collection of Siteuser resources.
SiteApi getSiteCollection GET /sites Retrieves the collection of SiteOutputDto resources.
SiteApi getSiteItem GET /sites/{id} Retrieves a SiteOutputDto resource.
SiteApi patchSiteItem PATCH /sites/{id} Updates the Site resource.
SiteApi postSiteCollection POST /sites Creates a Site resource.
SiteuserApi apiSitesSiteUsersGetSubresource GET /sites/{id}/site_users Retrieves the collection of Siteuser resources.
SiteuserApi apiUsersSiteUsersGetSubresource GET /users/{id}/site_users Retrieves the collection of Siteuser resources.
SiteuserApi deleteSiteuserItem DELETE /siteusers/{id} Removes the Siteuser resource.
SiteuserApi postSiteuserCollection POST /siteusers Creates a Siteuser resource.
SslLeApi getSslleValidationSslLeItem GET /.well-known/acme-challenge/{certbotToken} Retrieve certbot validation challenge matching token
StorageImageApi getStorageImageCollection GET /storage_images Retrieves the collection of StorageImageOutputDto resources.
StorageImageApi getStorageImageItem GET /storage_images/{id} Retrieves a StorageImageOutputDto resource.
StorageImageApi patchStorageImageItem PATCH /storage_images/{id} Updates the StorageImage resource.
StorageImageApi postStorageImageCollection POST /storage_images Creates a StorageImage resource.
UserApi apiUsersSiteUsersGetSubresource GET /users/{id}/site_users Retrieves the collection of Siteuser resources.
UserApi getMeUserItem GET /me Retrieve the logged user
UserApi getUserCollection GET /users Retrieves the collection of UserOutputDto resources.
UserApi getUserItem GET /users/{id} Retrieves a UserOutputDto resource.
UserApi getValidationMailUserItem GET /me/validation_mail Send the e-mail validation e-mail
UserApi patchUserItem PATCH /users/{id} Updates the User resource.
UserApi postUserCollection POST /users Creates a User resource.
UserApi pushNotifUserItem POST /me/test-push-notif Push a test notification on the user device
UserHasRoleApi deleteUserHasRoleItem DELETE /user_has_roles/{id} Removes the UserHasRole resource.
UserHasRoleApi getUserHasRoleCollection GET /user_has_roles Retrieves the collection of UserHasRoleOutputDto resources.
UserHasRoleApi getUserHasRoleItem GET /user_has_roles/{id} Retrieves a UserHasRoleOutputDto resource.
UserHasRoleApi patchUserHasRoleItem PATCH /user_has_roles/{id} Updates the UserHasRole resource.
UserHasRoleApi postUserHasRoleCollection POST /user_has_roles Creates a UserHasRole resource.




  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: Authorization
  • Location: HTTP header


To run the tests, use:

composer install


About this package

This PHP package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:

  • API version: alpha
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PhpClientCodegen