
This package provides an easy interface to the merchants to interact with eGHL APIs i.e. Capture, Query, Refund and Reversal

v3.0.8 2022-11-24 11:14 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-24 14:18:47 UTC


This package provides an easy interface to the merchants to interact with eGHL APIs. The set of APIs that are supported by this package are as under.

  1. Capture
  2. Query
  3. Refund
  4. Reversal


  1. Run the following composer command to install this package

    composer require e-ghl/merchant-api

  2. Clone the eGHL_hashing package from private repo using the following command. (Gain access to the private repo by contacting at support.eghl@ghl.com)

    git clone https://bitbucket.org/eghl/eghl_hashing.git vendor/e-ghl/merchant-api/src/eghl_hashing


Using these API objects consist of following intuitive steps.

  1. Require autoloader
  2. Invoke respective API object's namespace
  3. Define key-value (associative) array of parameters to be sent
  4. Instanciate the respective API object to be used.
  5. Start using the object

The usage by example for each of the above mentioned APIs is given as following.


Query API is used to get information about any existing transaction. Given that the existing transaction matches all parameters sent in Query request i.e. PymtMethod, ServiceID, PaymentID, Amount and CurrencyCode

// Requiring autoloader
require_once "../vendor/autoload.php";

// Invoke Namespace
use eGHL\MerchantAPI\Query;

// Defining Parameters to be sent
$ServiceID = 'SIT';
$merchantPass = 'sit12345';

$params = array(
    'PymtMethod' => 'DD',
    'ServiceID' => $ServiceID ,
    'PaymentID' => '8308110000',
    'Amount' => '123.10',
    'CurrencyCode' => 'MYR'

// Instantiate Query API Object
 * First parameter: Key value pair of Data to be sent
 * Secont Parameter: Merchant Password
 * Third Paramete: if true then test mode and production mode if value is false
 * */
$API = new Query($params, $merchantPass , true);
    echo "<pre>".print_r($API->getResponse(),1)."</pre>";


The Refund API initiated the process of online refund via eGHL Payment Gateway for an existing transaction. Given that the existing transaction matches all parameters sent in Refund request i.e. PymtMethod, ServiceID, PaymentID, Amount and CurrencyCode.

Not all transactions are refundable online. Only the transactions with PymtMethod = CC are refundable online. The amount must not exceeed the original transaction amount. The transaction can be refunded partially.

// Requiring autoloader
require_once "../vendor/autoload.php";

// Invoke Namespace
use eGHL\MerchantAPI\Refund;

// Defining Parameters to be sent
$ServiceID = 'SIT';
$merchantPass = 'sit12345';

$params = array(
    'PymtMethod' => 'CC',
    'ServiceID' => $ServiceID ,
    'PaymentID' => '130#1547432197655ef9',
    'Amount' => '1005.00',
    'CurrencyCode' => 'MYR'

// Instantiate Refund API Object
 * First parameter: Key value pair of Data to be sent
 * Secont Parameter: Merchant Password
 * Third Paramete: if true then test mode and production mode if value is false
 * */
$API = new Refund($params, $merchantPass, true);
    $response = $API->sendRequest()->getResponse();
        echo "<pre>".$response['TxnID']." is Refunded</pre>";
        echo "<pre>".print_r($response,1)."</pre>";
    echo "<pre>Already Refunded</pre>";


Reversal API is used to void/reverse the existing transaction. The reversal is only doable before the bank's settlement. Therfore, it is highly recommended to Query about the payment status of the transaction prior to sending Reversal request.

It is advisable to reverse transaction within one hour of its original sale time. Reversal of a transaction already settled by bank will be rejected with fail status. Partial reversal is not possible and will be rejected with not found status.

// Requiring autoloader
require_once "../vendor/autoload.php";

// Invoke Namespace
use eGHL\MerchantAPI\Reversal;

// Defining Parameters to be sent
$ServiceID = 'SIT';
$merchantPass = 'sit12345';

$params = array(
    'PymtMethod' => 'DD',
    'ServiceID' => $ServiceID ,
    'PaymentID' => '8308110000',
    'Amount' => '123.10',
    'CurrencyCode' => 'MYR'

// Instantiate Reversal API Object
 * First parameter: Key value pair of Data to be sent
 * Secont Parameter: Merchant Password
 * Third Paramete: if true then test mode and production mode if value is false
 * */
$API = new Reversal($params, $merchantPass, true);

    $response = $API->sendRequest()->getResponse();
        echo "<pre>".$response['TxnID']." is Reversed</pre>";
        echo "<pre>".print_r($response,1)."</pre>";
    echo "<pre>already Reversed</pre>";


Capture API is used to capture an authorised transaction.

The authorised transactions are those transactions which were submitted to eGHL with TransactionType = AUTH parameter.

// Requiring autoloader
require_once "../vendor/autoload.php";

// Invoke Namespace
use eGHL\MerchantAPI\Capture;

// Defining Parameters to be sent
$ServiceID = 'SIT';
$merchantPass = 'sit12345';

$params = array(
    'PymtMethod' => 'CC',
    'ServiceID' => $ServiceID ,
    'PaymentID' => 'IPGJAW20190111600003',
    'Amount' => '1.00',
    'CurrencyCode' => 'MYR'

// Instantiate Capture API Object
 * First parameter: Key value pair of Data to be sent
 * Secont Parameter: Merchant Password
 * Third Paramete: if true then test mode and production mode if value is false
 * */
$API = new Capture($params, $merchantPass, true);

        $response = $API->sendRequest(false)->getResponse();
            echo "<pre>".$response['TxnID']." is Captured</pre>";
            echo "<pre>".print_r($response,1)."</pre>";
        echo "<pre>Txn must be authorised prior to being captured</pre>";
    echo "<pre>Already Captured</pre>";

Factory Usage

The factory object can be used to instantiate any of the above mentioned API request objects. Following example shows instantiating Query object using factory.

Factory object is built to apply factory design pattern on API classes. One advantage of factory object is that we don't need to invoke namespace for each of the classes as Factory object itself will take the responsibility.

// Requiring autoloader
require_once "../vendor/autoload.php";

// Invoke Namespace for Fctory object only
use eGHL\MerchantAPI\core\APIFactory;

$ServiceID = 'SIT';
$merchantPass = 'sit12345';

$params = array(
    'PymtMethod' => 'DD',
    'ServiceID' => $ServiceID ,
    'PaymentID' => '8308110000',
    'Amount' => '123.10',
    'CurrencyCode' => 'MYR'

$API = APIFactory::create('Query', $params, $merchantPass, true);
$response = $API->sendRequest()->getResponse();
echo "<pre>".print_r($response,1)."</pre>";

Public Methods Description

sendRequest$validateResponseSelf ObjectThrows Exception if something goes wrong Otherwise returns the object itself. If input argument $validateResponse is set to true then it will validate the response from eGHL by matching HashValue. If validateResponse is not provided, the value is true by defaultCapture, Query, Refund, Reversal
validateResponse-voidValidates Response from eGHL by matching HashValue. Throws exception if invalid or something happens wrongCapture, Query, Refund, Reversal
getResponse-associative arrayReturns the associative array of response data from eGHLCapture, Query, Refund, Reversal
isSuccess-booleanCheks if the operation was successfulCapture, Query, Refund, Reversal
isFail-booleanChecks if operation was failedCapture, Query, Refund, Reversal
isPending-booleanChecks if operation was pendingCapture, Query, Refund, Reversal
isPendingByBank-booleanCheck if transaction is pending by bankQuery
isCaptured-booleanChecks if transaction is capturedQuery, Capture
isAuthorised-booleanChecks if transaction is authorisedQuery, Capture
isRefunded-booleanChecks if transaction is RefundedQuery, Refund
isReversed-booleanChecks if transaction is ReversedQuery, Reversal
isReversalPending-booleanChecks if transaction Reversal is pendingQuery, Reversal
doTxnNotExist-booleanChecks if transaction does not existQuery, Refund, Reversal
gotSystemError-booleanChecks if operation got system errorQuery, Refund, Reversal
doTxnExist-booleanChecks if transaction existQuery

Depends on

This package depends on following packages. Thus, upon installing this package, the following packages will automatically be installed by composer package manager.

  1. eghl/param-validator (Validate input parameters for eGHL API requests)
  2. e-ghl/hashing (A class that helps the integration plug-in to calculate hash for communicating with eGHL payment Gateway)
  3. guzzlehttp/guzzle (Guzzle is a PHP HTTP client that makes it easy to send HTTP requests and trivial to integrate with web services)