
Some Useful Php String Helper Methods

v3.0.0 2024-05-06 03:14 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-13 09:03:15 UTC


License: MIT Latest Version on Packagist Total Downloads

All function helpers will be enabled by default (if those functions haven't already been defined). also you can use them as utilities class.


  • PHP 8.1 or higher


You can install the package via composer:

composer require dvlpr1996/php-string-helpers

StrUtility usage as static methods

you can use String helper methods as static so usage like the following: First Using The StrUtility Class:

use dvlpr1996\PhpStringHelpers\Facade\StrUtility;

  • change words to camel case
StrUtility::toCamelCase(string $words): string
  • change words to pascal case
StrUtility::toPascalCase(string $words): string
  • change words to kebab case
StrUtility::toKebabCase(string $words): string
  • change words to title case
StrUtility::toTitleCase(string $words): string
  • change words to constant case | foo bar baz change to FOO_BAR_BAZ
StrUtility::toConstant(string $words): string
  • change words to snake case
StrUtility::toSnakeCase(string $words): string  
  • change words to path case | foo bar baz change to foo/bar/baz
StrUtility::toPathCase(string $words): string
  • change words to ada case | foo bar change to Foo_Bar
StrUtility::toAdaCase(string $words): string
  • change words to dot notation case | foo bar change to foo.bar
StrUtility::dotNotation(string $words): string  
  • wrapper for htmlspecialchars()
StrUtility::entitiesWrapper($data): string
  • change string to slug
StrUtility::toSlug(string $string): string
  • remove all blanks
StrUtility::rmAllBlanks(string $string): string     
  • return alternate string if string param is null
StrUtility::alternate(?string $string, string $alternate = null): string    
  • translation methods, for using this method you should create a wrapper function for example
function <your_wrapper_function_name>(string $key, string $alternative = '', string $dirName = 'en')
    $BASE_PATH = // base (root) path of your project

    $translatePath = StrUtility::translatePath($BASE_PATH, $dirName);
    return StrUtility::translate($translatePath . $key, $alternative);

< your_wrapper_function_name>('app.title') reference to lang/en/app.php and title array key in app.php file app.php must only return associative array. this translation methods only work for one level

StrUtility::translate(string $key, string $alternative = ''): string|array
  • wrap given string with wrapper param
StrUtility::wrapper(int|string $string, int|string $wrapper = '*'): string
  • return path of file
StrUtility::filePath(string $path, string $pathExtension = 'php'): string
  • generate unique pin numbers between 4 digit and 12 digit
StrUtility::generatePin(int $length = 4): int
  • clean and safe given string data
StrUtility::clearString(string $data): string
  • return only string and remove other characters
StrUtility::pureString(string $data): string
  • generate random string
StrUtility::randomChar(int $size = 5): string  
  • generate random hexadecimal color
StrUtility::randomHex(): string
  • generate random rgb color
StrUtility::randomRgb(): string
  • Remove all types of links
StrUtility::rmLink(string $string): string
  • limit character based on $length and replace theme with ...
StrUtility::limitChar(string|int $string, int $length): string
  • generate unique id numbers
StrUtility::generateId(string|int $prefix ='',string|int $suffix ='',bool $moreEntropy = false): string   
  • remove all numbers
StrUtility::rmNumbers(string $string): string   
  • remove all characters
StrUtility::rmCharacters(string $string): string
  • remove all extra blanks
StrUtility::rmExtraBlank(string $string): string 
  • convert hex color to rgb color
StrUtility::hexToRgb(string $color): ?string 
  • convert rgb color to hex color
StrUtility::rgbToHex(string $color): ?string
  • generate <a> tag link
StrUtility::generateAnchor(string|int $content, string $href): string
  • return encoding of string . wrapper for mb_detect_encoding()
StrUtility::getEncoding(string $string): string
StrUtility::isUtf8(string|array $string): bool
  • remove duplicate words
StrUtility::rmDuplicateWords(string $string): string
  • remove characters from right side based on $num param
StrUtility::rmRightChar(string $words, int $num): string
  • remove characters from left side based on $num param
StrUtility::rmLeftChar(string $words, int $num): string
  • remove characters from both side based on $num param
StrUtility::rmBothSideChar(string $words, int $num): string
  • find whether the type of a data is json
StrUtility::isJson(mixed $data): bool
  • Checks whether the string contains the specified value or not
StrUtility::isContains(string $string, string $search, bool $caseSensitive = false): bool
  • Checks whether the string starts with the specified value <$search> or not
StrUtility::isStartWith(string $string, string $search, bool $caseSensitive = false): bool
  • return the last word
StrUtility::lastWord(string $string): string
  • return the first word
StrUtility::firstWord(string $string): string
  • return the first number
StrUtility::getFirstNumbers(string $string): string
  • return the last number
StrUtility::getLastNumbers(string $string): string
StrUtility::rmBeginningNumbers(string $string): string
StrUtility::rmEndingNumbers(string $string): string
StrUtility::convertToUtf8(string $string): string|bool
  • incrementing the numbers of the end of the string
StrUtility::incrementBy(string $string, ?string $separator = null): string
  • decrementing the numbers of the end of the string
StrUtility::decrementBy(string $string, ?string $separator = null): string
  • remove last word from given string
StrUtility::rmLastWord(string $string): string
  • remove first word from given string
StrUtility::rmFirstWord(string $string): string
  • find whether the type of a given string is slug
StrUtility::is_slug(string $slug): bool
  • find whether the type of a given ip is valid ipv4
StrUtility::is_ipv4(string $ip): bool
  • find whether the type of a given ip is valid ipv6
StrUtility::is_ipv6(string $ip): bool
  • Deletes the words before the given $search word
StrUtility::after(string $string, string $search): string
  • Deletes the words after the given $search word
StrUtility::before(string $string, string $search): string
StrUtility::hasSpace(string $string): bool
StrUtility::isEmail(string $email): bool
StrUtility::detectCase(string $word): string
StrUtility::isLowerCase(string $word): bool
StrUtility::isUpperCase(string $word): bool
StrUtility::isTitleCase(string $word): bool
StrUtility::isSnakeCase(string $word): bool
StrUtility::validateUserName(string $userName, int $min = 3, int $max = 20): bool
StrUtility::humanFileSize(int $size, string $type = 'KB'): string

StrUtility usage as helper functions

String helper functions are global so usage like the following:

decrementBy(string $string, ?string $separator = null): string

StrUtility usage as object

use PhpStringHelpers\utility\StrUtility;

$string = new StrUtility;

$string->toConstant('foo bar baz');


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


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The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.