
dev-master 2020-12-19 22:47 UTC

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Last update: 2024-12-20 08:24:14 UTC


Beyond the Wire RCON PHP Logo

Beyond the Wire RCON PHP

RCON PHP wrapper for Beyond the Wire server management

Deutsche Squad Gemeinschaft Deutsche Squad Gemeinschaft Total Downloads Latest Stable Version Latest Unstable Version License
Deutsche Squad Gemeinschaft Discord

Join the Squad RCON Community

If you have any questions or need help with getting started with RCON in OWI games you should make sure to join the Squad RCON Community on Discord.


You can install this package by using composer and the following command:

composer require dsg/beyondthewire-rcon-php

The code will then be available under the DSG\BeyondTheWireRCON namespace.


  • ListPlayers
  • ListSquads
  • AdminListDisconnectedPlayers
  • ShowNextMap
  • AdminKick "<NameOrSteamId>" <KickReason>
  • AdminKickById <PlayerId> <KickReason>
  • AdminBan "<NameOrSteamId>" "<BanLength>" <BanReason>
  • AdminBanById <PlayerId> "<BanLength>" <BanReason>
  • AdminBroadcast <Message>
  • AdminRestartMatch
  • AdminEndMatch
  • AdminChangeMap <MapName>
  • AdminSetNextMap <MapName>
  • AdminSetMaxNumPlayers <NumPlayers>
  • AdminSetServerPassword <Password>
  • AdminSlomo <TimeDilation>
  • AdminForceTeamChange <NameOrSteamId>
  • AdminForceTeamChangeById <PlayerId>
  • AdminDemoteCommander <PlayerName>
  • AdminDemoteCommanderById <PlayerId>
  • AdminDisbandSquad <TeamId> <SquadId>
  • AdminRemovePlayerFromSquad <PlayerName>
  • AdminRemovePlayerFromSquadById <PlayerId>
  • AdminWarn <NameOrSteamId> <WarnReason>
  • AdminWarnById <PlayerId> <WarnReason>


Create an instance

Instanciate the BeyondTheWireServer class to open a new RCON connection. This will throw an Exception if no connection can be made.

use DSG\BeyondTheWireRCON\BeyondTheWireServer;


/** @var BeyondTheWireServer */
$server = new BeyondTheWireServer(new ServerConnectionInfo('', 21114, 'YourRconPassword'));

Get current server population (Teams, Squads, Players)

Get the current population. This does use ListPlayers & ListSquads to get the Teams, Squads and Players properly ordered.

/** @var Population */
$population = $server->serverPopulation();

/** @var Team[] */
$teams = $population->getTeams();

// or

/** @var Player[] */
$players = $population->getPlayers();

// or

/** @var Player|null */
$player = $population->getPlayerBySteamId('76561197960287930');


Get the current Player list using the ListPlayers command. This does not include disconnected players.

/** @var Player[] */
$players = $server->listPlayers();

Get disconnected Players

Get disconnected players using the ListPlayers command.

/** @var Player[] */
$players = $server->listDisconnectedPlayers();


Get currently active squads (and teams)

/** @var Team[] */
$teams = $server->listSquads();


Kick a player by name, SteamId or ingame id.

/** @var bool */
$success = $server->adminKick('76561197960287930', 'Reason');

// or

/** @var bool */
$success = $server->adminKickById($player->getId(), 'Reason');


Ban a player by name, SteamId or ingame id.

/** @var bool */
$success = $server->adminBan('76561197960287930', '1h', 'Reason');

// or

/** @var bool */
$success = $server->adminBanById($player->getId(), '1h', 'Reason');

Get the current map

Get the current map using the ShowNextMap command

/** @var string */
$map = $server->currentMap();

Get the next map

Get the next map using the ShowNextMap command

/** @var string */
$map = $server->nextMap();


Restart the current match

/** @var bool */
$success = $server->adminRestartMatch();


End the current match

/** @var bool */
$success = $server->adminEndMatch();


Broadcast message to all players on the server

/** @var bool */
$success = $server->adminBroadcast('Hello from the other side');


Set the next map and end the current game immediately.

/** @var bool */
$success = $server->adminChangeMap('Sumari AAS v1');


Sets next map

/** @var bool */
$success = $server->adminSetNextMap('Sumari AAS v1');


Set the maximum amount of players / slots

/** @var bool */
$success = $server->adminSetMaxNumPlayers(80);


Set the server password

/** @var bool */
$success = $server->adminSetServerPassword('secret');


Sets the game speed with the AdminSlomo. Default 1.0

/** @var bool */
$success = $server->adminSlomo(1.5);


Forces a player to the opposite team by providing the name or steamid.

/** @var bool */
$success = $server->adminForceTeamChange('Name or SteamId');


Forces a player to the opposite team by providing the ingame Player id.

/** @var bool */
$success = $server->adminForceTeamChangeById($player->getId());

AdminDisbandSquad command.

Disbands a Squad by providing the Team id / index & Squad id / index.

/** @var bool */
$success = $server->adminDisbandSquad($team->getId(), $squad->getId());


Removes a Player from his Squad by providing the Player name.

/** @var bool */
$success = $server->adminRemovePlayerFromSquad('Name');


Removes a player from his Squad by providing the ingame Player id.

/** @var bool */
$success = $server->adminRemovePlayerFromSquadById($player->getId());


Warns a Player by providing his name / steamid and a message.

/** @var bool */
$success = $server->adminWarn('Name or SteamId', 'Warn Reason');


Warns a Player by id.

/** @var bool */
$success = $server->adminWarnById($player->getId(), 'Warn Reason');

Important Note

Make sure to always close the connection manually or trigger a disconnect by destructing the object to preventt blocking the RCON server by using up it'S available connections.

// Or

Special Thanks

  • SquadSlovenia (Intial creators)
  • Brozowski (Major contributor)
  • [ToG] subtlerod (Major contributions to the used SquadRcon implementation)
  • Thomas Smyth (Creator of SquadJS, a great resource for Squad RCON).