
Laravel Crud Generator with Column Filters

v1.4.8 2022-07-26 23:17 UTC


Laravel Crud Generator with Column Filters

Packagist Licence

This package is a fork of https://packagist.org/packages/ibex/crud-generator, and adds column sorting and filtering to the index view, as well as a handful of other tweaks.

This Laravel Generator package generates your MVC code (with eloquent relations) in Bootstrap for your app development, with a single command.

@todo - Add related models to the sorting and filtering

@todo - Adding subview generation for views that integrate mutiple models, with Ajax/modal/inline forms

  • Will create Model with Eloquent relations
  • Will create Controller with all resources
  • Will create views in Bootstrap 4
  • Will add Column Sorting and Filtering to your index action/view


Laravel >= 5.5
PHP >= 7.1


1 - Install

composer require dscheff/crud-generator --dev

2 - Publish the default package's config, and js/css assets

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=crud
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=public --force

You will need to add the following to your app layout, just inside your closing body tag:



php artisan make:crud {table_name}

php artisan make:crud banks

Add a route in web.php

Route::resource('banks', 'BankController');

Route name in plural slug case.


  • Custom Route
php artisan make:crud {table_name} --route={route_name} 
  • Custom Display Name for Views
php artisan make:crud {table_name} --title={displayed_model_name}

php artisan make:crud sales_rep --title="Sales Representatives"


Model Model

Controller Controller

Listing Listing

Form Form


Daniel Scheff, on the back of the great work of M Awais (https://packagist.org/packages/ibex/crud-generator)