
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.
There is no license information available for the latest version (v2.1.1) of this package.

Rapid prototyping, development and maintenance of database/business applications without design limits. Upgrade legacy/existing apps in seconds.


The aim of the Dropinbase framework is to revolutionize rapid prototyping, development and maintenance of database/business applications, without limiting developers.
Build customized, modern, feature-rich systems that are easy to maintain based on your existing/legacy application, in seconds. Extensions are easy to add, and can be shared with other community members.

Home: http://www.dropinbase.com
License: commercial (see LICENSE.htm)


Production Ready

Angular Material Design 1.6.5
PHP 5.3.3 and above
Dropinbase database: MySQL
Application databases: MySQL(/MariaDb), SQL Server, SQLite

Main Development

Add interfaces to the most common database engines, including No SQL and external API's
Provide a C# version for the server API
Continually enhance the development process
Build professional ERP/CRM modules
Implementations already exist in production for Sencha ExtJs 4. We plan to release an upgrade to a later version of ExtJs.