drlecks / simple-web3-php
Web3 library in PHP
Installs: 30 041
Dependents: 2
Suggesters: 0
Security: 0
Stars: 74
Watchers: 6
Forks: 32
Open Issues: 4
- kornrunner/ethereum-offline-raw-tx: ^0.4.0
- kornrunner/keccak: ~1
- phpseclib/phpseclib: ~2.0.30
- simplito/elliptic-php: ^1.0
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-02-27 15:48:08 UTC
A php interface for interacting with the Ethereum blockchain and ecosystem.
- PHP >= 7.4
- Customizable curl calls
- Call: get net state
- Send signed transactions
- Batch call requests and signed transactions
- Address & private key creation
- Message signing
- Full ABIv2 encode/decode
- Contract creation
- Contract interaction (call/send)
- Contract Events/logs with filters
- Support for ERC20 contracts with non-nominative decimal values
- Examples provided interacting with simple types, strings, tuples, arrays, arrays of tuples with arrays, multi-dimension arrays...
- EIP712 Typed structured data hashing
Latest stable release
composer require drlecks/simple-web3-php "^0.10.0"
Or you can add this line in composer.json
"drlecks/simple-web3-php": "^0.10.0"
Development (main branch)
composer require drlecks/simple-web3-php dev-master
Or you can add this line in composer.json
"drlecks/simple-web3-php": "dev-master"
New instance
use SWeb3\SWeb3; //initialize SWeb3 main object $sweb3 = new SWeb3('http://ethereum.node.provider:optional.node.port'); //optional if not sending transactions $from_address = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'; $from_address_private_key = '345346245645435....'; $sweb3->setPersonalData($from_address, $from_address_private_key);
Convert values
- Most calls return hex or BigNumber to represent numbers.
- Most calls expect numeric parameters represented as BigNumbers.
Hex to Big Number:
use SWeb3\Utils; $res = $sweb3->call('eth_blockNumber', []); $bigNum = Utils::hexToBn($res->result);
Number to BigNumber:
$bigNum = Utils::ToBn(123);
Get average-human readable string representation from Big Number:
$s_number = $bigNum->toString();
Format 1 ether to wei (unit required for ether values in transactions):
Utils::toWei('0.001', 'ether');
Get average-human readable string representation from a value conversion:
$s_val = Utils::fromWeiToString('1001', 'kwei'); // "1.001" $s_val = Utils::toWeiString('1.001', 'kwei'); // "1001"
ABI Encoding
Manually encode parameters:
$abiEncoded = ABI::EncodeParameters_External(['address', 'uint256'], [$userAddress, 1]);
Keccak 256 hash:
$hash = Utils::sha3($abiEncoded);
General ethereum block information call:
$res = $sweb3->call('eth_blockNumber', []);
Refresh gas price
$gasPrice = $sweb3->getGasPrice();
Estimate gas price (from send params)
$sweb3->chainId = '0x3';//ropsten $sendParams = [ 'from' => $sweb3->personal->address, 'to' => '0x1111111111111111111111111111111111111111', 'value' => Utils::toWei('0.001', 'ether'), 'nonce' => $sweb3->personal->getNonce() ]; $gasEstimateResult = $sweb3->call('eth_estimateGas', [$sendParams]);
Send 0.001 ether to address
//remember to set personal data first with a valid pair of address & private key $sendParams = [ 'from' => $sweb3->personal->address, 'to' => '0x1111111111111111111111111111111111111111', 'gasLimit' => 210000, 'value' => Utils::toWei('0.001', 'ether'), 'nonce' => $sweb3->personal->getNonce() ]; $result = $sweb3->send($sendParams);
Batch calls & transactions
//enable batching $sweb3->batch(true); $sweb3->call('eth_blockNumber', []); $sweb3->call('eth_getBalance', [$sweb3->personal->address], 'latest'); //execute all batched calls in one request $res = $sweb3->executeBatch(); //batching has to be manually disabled $sweb3->batch(false);
use SWeb3\Accounts; use SWeb3\Account; //create new account privateKey/address (returns Account) $account = Accounts::create(); //retrieve account (address) from private key $account2 = Accounts::privateKeyToAccount('...private_key...'); //sign message with account $res = $account2->sign('Some data');
Contract interaction
use SWeb3\SWeb3_Contract; $contract = new SWeb3_contract($sweb3, '0x2222222222222222222222222222222222222222', '[ABI...]'); //'0x2222...' is contract address // call contract function $res = $contract->call('autoinc_tuple_a'); // change function state //remember to set the sign values and chain id first: $sweb3->setPersonalData() & $sweb3->chainId $extra_data = ['nonce' => $sweb3->personal->getNonce()]; $result = $contract->send('Set_public_uint', 123, $extra_data);
Contract events (logs)
//optional parameters fromBlock, toBlock, topics //default values -> '0x0', 'latest', null (all events/logs from this contract) $res = $contract->getLogs();
Contract creation (deployment)
use SWeb3\SWeb3_Contract; $creation_abi = '[abi...]'; $contract = new SWeb3_contract($sweb3, '', $creation_abi); //set contract bytecode data $contract_bytecode = '123456789....'; $contract->setBytecode($contract_bytecode); //remember to set the sign values and chain id first: $sweb3->setPersonalData() & $sweb3->chainId $extra_params = ['nonce' => $sweb3->personal->getNonce()]; $result = $contract->deployContract( [123123], $extra_params);
Usual required includes
use SWeb3\SWeb3; //always needed, to create the Web3 object use SWeb3\Utils; //sweb3 helper classes (for example, hex conversion operations) use SWeb3\SWeb3_Contract; //contract creation and interaction use SWeb3\Accounts; //account creation use SWeb3\Account; //single account management (signing) use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger as BigNumber; //BigInt handling use stdClass; //for object interaction
Provided Examples
In the folder Examples/ there are some extended examples with call & send examples:
- example.call.php
- example.send.php
- example.batch.php
- example.account.php
- example.contract_creation.php
- example.erc20.php
Example configuration
To execute the examples you will need to add some data to the configuration file (example.config.php).
The example is pre-configured to work with an infura endpoint:
define('INFURA_PROJECT_ID', 'XXXXXXXXX'); define('INFURA_PROJECT_SECRET', 'XXXXXXXXX'); define('ETHEREUM_NET_NAME', 'ropsten'); //ropsten , mainnet define('ETHEREUM_NET_ENDPOINT', 'https://'.ETHEREUM_NET_NAME.'.infura.io/v3/'.INFURA_PROJECT_ID);
Just add your infura project keys. If you have not configured the api secret key requisite, just ignore it.
If you are using a private endpoint, just ignore all the infura definitions:
To enable contract interaction, set the contract data (address & ABI). The file is preconfigured to work with our example contract, already deployed on ropsten.
//swp_contract.sol is available on ropsten test net, address: 0x706986eEe8da42d9d85997b343834B38e34dc000 define('SWP_Contract_Address','0x706986eEe8da42d9d85997b343834B38e34dc000'); $SWP_Contract_ABI = '[...]'; define('SWP_Contract_ABI', $SWP_Contract_ABI);
To enable transaction sending & signing, enter a valid pair of address and private key. Please take this advises before continuing:
- The address must be active on the ropsten network and have some ether available to send the transactions.
- Double check that you are using a test endpoint, otherwise you will be spending real eth to send the transactions
- Be sure to keep your private key secret!
Example contract
The solidity contract used in this example is available too in the same folder: swp_contract.sol
Example disclaimer
Don't base your code structure on this example. This example does not represent clean / efficient / performant aproach to implement them in a production environment. It's only aim is to show some of the features of Simple Web3 Php.
- Utils library forked & extended from web3p/web3.php
- Transaction signing: kornrunner/ethereum-offline-raw-tx
- sha3 encoding: from kornrunner/keccak
- BigNumber interaction: phpseclib3\Math
- Asymetric key handling: simplito/elliptic-php
- Node accounts creation / interaction