
TYPO3 Extension to add hCaptcha to EXT:form - The privacy friendly captcha alternative.

2.2.0 2024-05-28 10:01 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-28 11:26:57 UTC


TYPO3 Extension to add hCaptcha to EXT:form - The privacy friendly captcha alternative.

ci phpstan

Provides hCaptcha integration for TYPO3 EXT:form.

hCaptcha is a free to use alternative to Google reCaptcha with a bigger focus on privacy. It supports initiatives like PrivacyPass.

For more information, see the hCaptcha website.

Additionally, hCaptcha provides earnings for solved captchas - that can be donated to the Wikimedia foundation automatically (which is the case for the default settings of this extension).

Quick Setup

hCaptcha is configured with a default key to make the setup as easy as possible. It is recommended to create a custom account for your site with hCaptcha and add your own keys.

  • Install the extension and activate it
  • Include the static template in TypoScript
  • Add a hCaptcha element to a form

TypoScript Constants

Set the following constants if you are using your own account:

plugin.tx_hcaptcha {
  settings {
    publicKey = <your-public-key>
    privateKey = <your-private-key>

Environment variables

As an alternative to the TypoScript configuration, you can also use environment variables:


Content Security Policy

If you are using CSP, make sure to adjust them accordingly:

  • script-src should include https://hcaptcha.com, https://*.hcaptcha.com
  • frame-src should include https://hcaptcha.com, https://*.hcaptcha.com
  • style-src should include https://hcaptcha.com, https://*


Make sure to inform your users of your usage of hCaptcha and what that means - especially if you are using the invisible Enterprise version.

For more info see: https://docs.hcaptcha.com/faq

Help & Support

Visit our website or read Susi's blog entry about hCaptcha at susi.dev.

Migration from waldhacker/hcaptcha 2.x to dreistromland/typo3-hcaptcha 2.x

dreistrom.land AG has taken over the maintenance of the extension. In this context, the package namespace was changed from waldhacker/hcaptcha to dreistromland/typo3-hcaptcha. To migrate your project to the new namespace, do something like this:

composer rem waldhacker/hcaptcha && composer req dreistromland/typo3-hcaptcha:^2.0