
0.4.0 2018-12-09 00:55 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-06 03:53:06 UTC



This library is meant to be a testing framework for http call. It is framework agnostic. By default it does a curl call to the specified url but you can use/create a adapter for the framework you are using.

The library can be install via Composer/Packagist.

In that example we are trying to have a browser flow so the usage of phpunit annotation @depends and @test make it more readable.

Here is a quick example of how to use it in a PHPUnit TestCase:


namespace Your\Project\Name;

use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use Draw\HttpTester\HttpTesterTrait;

class SimpleTest extends TestCase
    use HttpTesterTrait

     * @test
    public function notAuthorizeProfileAccess()

     * @test
     * @depends notAuthorizeProfileAccess
    public function login()
        $testResponse = static::$client->post(
                'username' => 'my-username',
                'password' => 'my-password'

        $content = $testResponse
          ->assertCookie('session') // We are not debating the usage of cookie here ;)

        // Continue with the test of you content

     * @test
     * @depends login
    public function getMyProfile()
        // The same client is during all test. Cookies are sent automatically between request
        $testResponse = static::$client->get('http://your.domain.com/api/me')

        $content = $testResponse

        // Continue with the test of you content

If you need to use it in another context and can still relay on PHPUnit Assertion you can simply create your the client manually and use it:


use Draw\HttpTester\Client;

$client = new Client();

        'username' => 'my-username',
        'password' => 'my-password'

By default the client will use the DrawHttpTesterCurlRequestExecutioner but you can make your own by implementing the DrawHttpTesterRequestExecutionerInterface.

## Currently Supported Request Executioner

Curl DrawHttpTesterCurlRequestExecutioner draw/http-tester Laravel 4.2 DrawHttpTesterBridgeLaravel4Laravel4RequestExecutioner draw/http-tester

** Not available yet ** There is a lot more features available, just Read the Docs!