
Twig operator to access class constants

1.0.0 2016-05-28 12:32 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-29 03:35:54 UTC


Twig operator to access class constants

Const operator # let you access class constants through any object of that class.

    class Message {
        const TYPE_INFO = "INFO";
        // ...
    $msg = new Message();
{{ msg # TYPE_INFO }}
{# prints 'INFO' #}
{% if msg.type == msg#TYPE_INFO %}
{% endif %}

Note that due to Twig limitations, you must add brackets when using filters and selection operators on constants. (But you don't need to add it with other operators.)

    {{ (msg#TYPE_INFO)|upper }}
    {{ (msg#TYPE_INFO)[2] }}
    {{ (msg#TYPE_INFO).attr }}
    {{ msg#TYPE_INFO ~ 'S' }}


Install via Composer:

composer require dpolac/twig-const

Add the extension to Twig:

$twig->addExtension(new \DPolac\TwigConst\ConstExtension());

... or if you use Symfony, add the following to your services.yml config file:

    # ...
        class: DPolac\TwigConst\ConstExtension
        tags: [ { name: twig.extension } ]

Using different operators

To use another operator instead of default #, pass it as string to extension constructor.


$twig->addExtension(new \DPolac\TwigConst\ConstExtension('const'));
$twig->addExtension(new \DPolac\TwigConst\ConstExtension('::'));
{{ msg const TYPE_ERROR }}
{{ msg::TYPE_ERROR }}