
A composer library for Image Pig, the API for AI images.

1.0.2 2024-10-15 07:07 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-15 10:17:32 UTC


PHP package for Image Pig, the API for AI images.


composer require doubleplus/imagepig

Example of usage

use ImagePig\ImagePig;

# create instance of API (put here your actual API key)
$imagepig = ImagePig('your-api-key');

# call the API with a prompt to generate an image
$result = $imagepig->xl('cute piglet running on a green garden');

# save image to a file

# or access image data (binary string)

# or access image as a GDImage object (needs to have the GD extension installed)

Contact us

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