
Doowebdev PHP MailChimp API v2 Wrapper using Guzzle

1.4 2015-02-26 19:53 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-15 18:23:08 UTC


An Easy to use PHP wrapper for the MailChimp API v2 using Guzzle


Requires: php 5.4+ and Guzzle (will be added automatically when you install this package).

To install the latest version of doowebdev/mailchimp-api simply add it to your composer.json file in the 'require section':

"doowebdev/mailchimp-api": "dev-master"

Next Run 'composer install' in your command console to add the package to your projects vendor folder.

Once the package is installed, you need to initialize the MailChimpApi class:

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Doowebdev\MailChimpApi;

How to use

Assuming you are using php classes in your application use the following as an example:

In a controller:

use Doowebdev\MailChimpApi;

class SomeClass

    public function someMethod()
        $mc = new MailChimpApi('YOUR-MAILCHIMP-APIKEY-GOES-HERE');

       //We are using the 'lists/subscribe' method to subscribe a user/visitor to our newsletter list.
        $results = $mc->run('lists/subscribe',[
            'id'                => 'YOUR-LIST-ID-GOES-HERE',
            'email'             => ['email'=>''],
            'merge_vars'        => ['FNAME'=>'subscribers_firstname', 'LNAME'=>'subscribers_lastname'],
            'double_optin'      => true,
            'update_existing'   => true,
            'replace_interests' => false,
            'send_welcome'      => true,



Thats it!

To get the complete list of methods you can use visit the official MailChimp API documentation here: