
Laravel Upload On Model

0.2.6 2023-05-26 12:59 UTC


Laravel Support

  • "laravel/framework": "^5.7|^6.0|^7.0|^8.0|^9.0|^10.0"

What It Does

  • Easy and fast to move uploaded file to your folder via model functions (eg: create, update, fill, save ...)
  • Convenient with Auto assign file path to attributes of eloquent model
  • Easy to retry file of model
  • Integrated JSON columns
  • Integrated SoftDelete


Via Composer

composer require dongttfd/laravel-upload-model

Basic Usage

Use packages at your model:

namespace App\Models;

use DongttFd\LaravelUploadModel\Contracts\UploadOnEloquentModel;
use DongttFd\LaravelUploadModel\Eloquent\UploadFileEloquent;

class User extends Model implements UploadOnEloquentModel
    use UploadFileEloquent;



Model create with uploaded file


// $file must is instance of Illuminate\Http\UploadedFile
$file = $request->file('avatar');

User::create(['avatar' => $file]);

Model update with uploaded file


// $file must is instance of Illuminate\Http\UploadedFile
$file = $request->file('avatar');

$user->update(['avatar' => $file]);

Easy to retries


// $file must is instance of Illuminate\Http\UploadedFile
$file = $request->file('avatar');

$user->update(['avatar' => $file]);

// path of file

// url of file

Supported JSON columns

Read Override before use JSON columns

With JSON/Array columns

// JSON object

$front = $request->file('front');
$back = $request->file('back');

    'card' => [
        'front' => $front,
        'back' => $back

// retries path of file

// retries url of file
// JSON Array
$photos = $request->file('photos'); // [UploadedFile, UploadedFile]

    'photos' => $photos

// retries path of file
$post->photos; // ['<photo1-path>', <photo2-path>]

// retries url of file
$post->photos_url; // ['<photo1-url>', <photo2-url>]
// JSON Array and Object combined
$variant = $request->only([
    'photos',  // UploadedFile[]
    'name', // String
    'key' // String

    'variant' => $variant

// retries path of file
$post->variant['photos']; // ['<photo1-path>', <photo2-path>]

// retries url of file
$post->variant['photos_url']; // ['<photo1-url>', <photo2-url>]


We recommend to create a BaseFileModel class for file on your laravel project and implement UploadOnEloquentModel and extends that when you need.


namespace App\Models;

use DongttFd\LaravelUploadModel\Contracts\UploadOnEloquentModel;
use DongttFd\LaravelUploadModel\Eloquent\UploadFileEloquent;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class BaseFileModel extends Model implements UploadOnEloquentModel
    use UploadFileEloquent;

Aside from you can extends FileModel from my source code


namespace App\Models;

use DongttFd\LaravelUploadModel\Eloquent\FileModel;

class User extends FileModel

Override properties

Specify the drive where you will save the file, default from your filesystem configuration (config/filesystem.php)

 * Default save on disk (from keys of app/config/filesystem.php > disks)
 * @var string
protected $saveOnDisk = null;

Specify the column where you will save the file, if that was JSON columns you must use array dot

avatar column is file

 * Save file to avatar columns
 * @var array
protected $fileFields = ['avatar'];

card column is object

 * The attributes that should be cast.
 * @var array
protected $casts = [
    'card' => 'array',

 * Save files to photos columns
 * @var array
protected $fileFields = [

photos column is array

 * The attributes that should be cast.
 * @var array
protected $casts = [
    'photos' => 'array',

 * Save files to photos columns
 * @var array
protected $fileFields = ['photos.*'];

photos is array in variant column

 * The attributes that should be cast.
 * @var array
protected $casts = [
    'variant' => 'array',

 * Save files to photos columns
 * @var array
protected $fileFields = ['*'];

Specify the folders where you will save the file to disk

 * Save path file to folder, format: ['<file-field>' => 'folder-name']
 * @var array
protected $fileFolders = [
    'avatar' => 'avatar',
    'card.front' => 'card-front',
    '*' => 'variant-photos',

On / Off publish file when using s3 driver

 * Only s3 amazon: save with publish file
 * @var bool
protected $filePublish = false;

Timeout of file access token when using s3 file driver

 * Only s3 amazon: expire time (minutes) off private file
 * @var int
protected $fileExpireIn = 5;


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


If you discover any security-related issues, please email My Email instead of using the issue tracker.


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