
Package to help with filtering/search/sort in queries

v1.0.0 2025-01-18 09:56 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-18 10:12:21 UTC


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This package helps you manipulate HTTP query data as an object instead of passing an array through different layers of your application.


Inside a controller we tend to extract the params from the request and send them to our service and then to the repository to perform search, sort or filtering.

class ListUsersController as Controller
    private UserService $userService;

    public function __construct(UserService $userService) {
        $this->userService = $userService;

    public function __invoke(Request $request) {
        $queryOption = QueryOptionFactory::createFromIlluminateRequest($request);


From the example above, the QueryOptionFactory helps create the QueryOption object that hold values needed for search, sort and filters. Since in this example we have a Laravel application, we can use a specific factory method to crate directly from Request object.

URL Params

Since the QueryOption package parse the URL parameters, we're going to explain the param names below:

Query Option

The QueryOption is the glue that holds all the rest of the components.


For most applications, each controller has a set of filters that are allowed in certain context (admin vs normal user). In this case, you can use the allowedFilters() method inside the controller to limit passing filters in the wrong context.

An example would be listing blog posts. The admin can all the posts, while the normal user can only see the published ones.

class AdminPostsController {
    private PostService $postService;

    public function __construct(PostService $postService) {
        $this->postService = $postService;

    public function __invoke(Request $request) {
        $queryOption = QueryOptionFactory::createFromIlluminateRequest($request);

        $posts = $this->postService->paginate($queryOption);

        // return posts
class UserPostsController {
    private PostService $postService;

    public function __construct(PostService $postService) {
        $this->postService = $postService;

    public function __invoke(Request $request) {
        $queryOption = QueryOptionFactory::createFromIlluminateRequest($request);

        // explicitly specify the filter names allowed. 
        $queryOption->allowedFilters(['published_date', 'author']);

        $posts = $this->postService->paginate($queryOption);

        // return posts

Laravel Bridge

For Laravel applications, you can add Query Option provider inside config/app.php


use DoneSuperApp\QueryOption\Laravel\QueryOptionProvider;

return [
    // ...
    'providers' => [
        // ...

    // ...

After that you can benefit from helpers like:

$queryOption = $request->queryOption();

Inside your repository you can use what we call criterias. Here's an example on how it works:


use DoneSuperApp\QueryOption\Laravel\UsesQueryOption;

class PostRepository {
    use UsesQueryOption;

    public function paginated(QueryOption $queryOption)
        $query = Post::query();

        [$query, $queryOption] = $this->pipeThroughCriterias($query, $queryOption);

        return $query->paginate(

    protected function getQueryOptionCriterias(): array
        return [

So calling the paginate() method will pass the query through the list of criterias to add the necessary logic for each defined query option. Then, we return the modified query instance to continue the pagination.

Below is the code inside each criteria to illustrate how it works.

class SearchCriteria
    public function handle(array $data, Closure $next)
        [$query, $queryOption] = $data;

        $search = $queryOption->getSearch();
        if (!empty($search->getTerm())) {
            if ($search->getType() === 'like') {
                $query->where('title', 'like', "%" . $search->getTerm() . "%");

            if ($search->getType() === 'equal') {
                $query->where('title', '=', $search->getTerm());
        return $next([$query, $queryOption]);

The search criteria do a search using like or equal using the term when it's not empty, and return the $query and $queryOption for the next criteria.

class SortByCriteria
    public function handle(array $data, Closure $next)
        [$query, $queryOption] = $data;

        $sort = $queryOption->getSort();

        // allow sorting only by publish date and title
        if(!in_array($sort->getField(), ['published_date','title'])) {
            return $next([$query, $queryOption]);

        $query->orderBy($sort->getField(), $sort->getDirection());

        return $next([$query, $queryOption]);

The sorting is pretty straightforward in this example. An important thing is to guard against sorting using not allowed fields.

class FilterByPublishedAtCriteria
    public function handle(array $data, Closure $next)
        [$query, $queryOption] = $data;

        $filter = $queryOption->getFilters()->findByName('publish_date');
        $creationDate = Carbon::parse($filter->getValue());
        $query->whereDate('published_at', $filter->getOperator(), $creationDate);

        return $next([$query, $queryOption]);

This is it, the pagination will take in consideration the fitering by publish date, searching by title and sorting by publish date.