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dev-master 2024-02-18 22:06 UTC

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Last update: 2024-06-18 22:51:32 UTC


Laravel Google & Outlook Calendars

Laravel Sync Calendar is a convenient package for working with Google and Outlook calendars in your Laravel applications. The package provides powerful tools for creating, deleting, editing, and synchronizing events using the respective calendars' APIs.

Key Features:

Event Management:

  • Creation of new events in the calendar.
  • Deletion of existing events.
  • Editing event parameters such as date, time, description, and location.

Calendar Synchronization:

  • Automatic synchronization of events between Google and Outlook calendars.
  • Real-time updating of event information.

Calendar Management:

  • Ability to work with multiple calendars, including personal and shared ones.
  • Creation, deletion, and editing of calendars.

Flexibility and Extensibility:

  • Easy-to-use syntax based on standard Laravel functions.
  • Support for a variety of settings to adapt to different project needs.
  • Ability to extend package functionality through the creation of custom handlers and extensions.


  • Use of Laravel's authentication and authorization mechanisms to protect access to calendars and events.
  • Built-in error handling mechanisms and security measures when working with calendar APIs.

With Laravel Package, your application will gain a convenient and reliable tool for managing calendar events, with minimal efforts required for integration and setup.

Package is under development

More info: https://dev.to/dnsinyukov/series/21124