
Laravel extended auth mechanism

v2.0.0 2019-10-21 16:41 UTC


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Laravel extended auth mechanism. This package is intended to provide dynamic, database-driven authorization mechanism. Gates and Policies will be registered to database, mapped with respective roles and users.


composer require dluwang/auth

Run php artisan dluwang-auth:install to generate all necessary files. This command will generate migration files, Role, and Permission class. You can edit the files before running migrate command to match your requirement. Add provided Dluwang\Auth\Concerns\Assignable trait to your assignable class (it's your user class for most cases).

use Dluwang\Auth\Concerns\Assignable;

class User extends Authenticatable
    use Assignable;


To check if user has permissions you can use authorized method. This method can take string or array argument.

$user->authorized(['permission-one', 'permission-two']);

To check if user has at least one given permissions, you can use authorizedOneOf method.

$user->authorizedOneOf(['permission-one', 'permission-two']);

You can also seamlessly integrate this package with Laravel's built in authorization feature. This package can collect registered gates and policies by running

php artisan dluwang-auth:collect-permissions


Laravel version Package version
5.8.* ^1.0
^6.0 ^2.0


This package provide configuration to customize your needs. You can publish the configuration by running command below.

php artisan vendor:publish


This repository provide docker-compose file to create isolated environment. To perform test you can use run
