
Based on native Laravel's gates and policies. Hierarchical RBAC with callbacks.

v1.0.2 2024-09-23 18:16 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-12 07:06:13 UTC


Based on native Laravel's gates and policies. Hierarchical RBAC with callbacks.

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In the process of creating my own projects I have formed an opinion about the minimum required ability of RBAC. It should allow:

  • roles and permissions
  • callbacks for permissions (for passing parameters in permission checking)
  • permission's inheritance (to give different abilities to different roles)
  • an optimal way to manage RBAC


Supports Laravel since v5.1 to the latest (11.* and above).

Via Composer

$ composer require dlnsk/h-rbac

Publish some cool stuff:

  • config file (config/h-rbac.php) to configure role/permission
  • example policy (app/Policies/PostPolicy.php) to configure chains and callbacks


php artisan vendor:publish --tag=hrbac-config

Add permissions, its chains and callbacks to policies.

Add roles and its permissions to config file. That's all!


This module is a wrapper for authorization logic and control access to resources of Laravel 5.1 and later.

Let's describe the minimum required ability of RBAC (in my opinion).

Roles and permissions

It's clear.

Callbacks for permissions

Very common situation is to allow user to change only his own posts. With this package it's simple:

public function editOwnPost($user, $post) {
    return $user->id === $post->user_id;

and use as

if (\Gate::can('editOwnPost', $post)) {

You can pass any number of parameters in callback as array.

That's what you can do with Laravel's policies as it described in docs. But Laravel doesn't support roles.

Permission's inheritance

As you see callbacks are very useful. But what about a site manager who may edit any posts? Create separate permission? But which of them we should check?

Answer is to use chained (inherited) permissions. Example:

edit -> editAnyPost -> editPostInCategory -> editOwnPost

Each of these permissions is placed into the appropriate role, but in code we always check the first (except in very rare cases):

if (\Gate::can('edit', $post)) {

These permissions in the chain will be checked one by one until one of it will pass. In other case the ability will be rejected for this user. So, we have many permissions with different business logic but checking in the code only one. This is the key!

The ways to manage RBAC

It is very popular to use database to store roles and permissions. It flexible but hard to support. Managing of roles and permissions required backend. When we start to use inheritance for permissions it becomes too difficult for direct changing.

Static roles

Most projects aren't large. It needs only a few roles and permissions, so backend becomes economically inexpedient. Thus, I believe that file driven RBAC is enough for many projects where users can have one or many roles simultaneously. Defining roles in config is visual and simple for support.

By default, roles applied to user store in database, so you should add an accessor to User model to get list of roles. Name of attribute you can change in config/h-rbac.php if you need.

public function getRolesAttribute() {
    return $this->roles()->pluck('name')->toArray();

It doesn't matter how you store roles. Just return an array from function. You also can write and bind your own RolesProvider through DI.

Static roles + overriding permissions

Some projects may suppose that administrator can override some user's permissions (include or exclude). If you have dozens of such users it's hard to make different roles for each. So overriding is a good choice.

It requires additional database table to store overrides. Publish migration with

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=hrbac-migrations

and bind EloquentPermissionProvider inside your AppServiceProvider.php bindings:

public $bindings = [
    PermissionsProvider::class => EloquentPermissionProvider::class,

Now every record in permissions table adds or removes one permission from user. You also can store additional value(s) with an overridden permission. Here is the example:

Let's add the callback in PostPolicy.

public function editPostInCategory($user, $post, $permissions): bool {
    return $permissions && $permissions->contains('value', $post->category_id);

Now, if we add to permissions table next record

    'user_id' => 100,
    'name' => 'editPostInCategory',
    'action' => 'include',
    'value' => 5,

we'll allow user with id = 100 edit any post in category with id = 5.

The word exclude may also be in action field. This takes away the ability from user. If both actions exists in database, the exclude wins.

The field value doesn't used by the module at all, so you can use any type for it or even a set of any extra fields.

Different way

Keep in mind that you can bind your own RolesProvider or/and PermissionsProvider and store roles and permissions as you wish. It's very flexible.


As we said h-rbac is a wrapper for authorization logic since Laravel 5.1 to this time. So, you can use any features of it.

if (\Gate::allows('edit', $post)) { /* do something */ }
if (\Gate::denies('edit', $post)) { abort(403); }
if (\Gate::forUser($user)->allows('edit', $post)) { /* do something */ }

From User model:

if ($request->user()->can('edit', $post)) { /* do something */ }
if ($request->user()->cannot('edit', $post)) { abort(403); }

In controller:

$this->authorize('edit', $post);

Within Blade

@can('edit', $post)
    <!-- The Current User Can Update The Post -->
    <!-- The Current User Can't Update The Post -->

Also in h-rbac we have added directive @role which you can combine with @else

    <!-- Current user has any of those roles -->

Permission without model

Native Laravel's permissions hard linked with models. So the model object or model class are required to check ability, because it defines a right Policy that includes callbacks:

$this->authorize('edit', $post);
$this->authorize('create', Post::class);

If your permission isn't linked to model you can use policy class as a place to search the chain and callbacks:

$this->authorize('download', ReportPolicy::class);

and with additional parameters:

$this->authorize('download', [ReportPolicy::class, 'current_date' => Carbon::now()]);

The policy class should be the first element in array or it may has a key:

$this->authorize('download', ['current_date' => Carbon::now(), 'policy' => ReportPolicy::class]);



Permissions and callbacks are defining in Policies as it describes in docs. Innovation is the chains of permissions.

class PostPolicy
    public $chains = [
        'edit' => [
        'delete' => [

    ////////////// Callbacks ///////////////

    public function editOwnPost($user, $post) {
        return $user->id === $post->user_id;

    public function editPostInCategory($user, $post, $permissions): bool {
        return $permissions && $permissions->contains('value', $post->category_id);

You should add callback only if you need additional check for this permission. The name of callback should be camelcased name of permission.

The logic of checking permissions

We check all permissions in chain one by one and:

  • allow if user has a permission with no callback
  • allow if user has a permission and callback return true
  • deny if user don't have all permission in chain
  • deny if callbacks of all user's permissions return false

If the check allows the user to do something, all remaining permission in chain will be pass.

Keep in mind that you can define your own PermissionChecker to change this logic.


Roles are defining in config file (config/h-rbac.php)

<?php return [
     * Built-in application roles and its permissions
    'builtinRoles' => [
        'manager' => [
        'user' => [


If you want to store assigning permissions to roles in database, just make your own RolesProvider to change this logic.

Change log

Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING and CONDUCT for details.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.