
Lightweight MTI (Multi-Table Inheritance) support for Eloquent models

1.3.0 2024-03-14 12:30 UTC

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Last update: 2024-03-22 11:29:45 UTC


Lightweight MTI (Multiple Table Inheritance) support for Eloquent models.

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What is "Multiple Table Inheritance" exactly?

MTI allows one to have separate database tables for each "sub class" that shares a common "super class".

"Can't I just define a type column in my table and call it a day?"

Well, it depends. If the only thing you'd like to do is adding specific behavior to each sub type (user - admin for example), then Single Table Inheritance is definitely the better choice here.

However, if the sub types have very different data fields, then MTI is the better tool. Using STI in this case will cause the table in question to have a lot of NULL columns.

What problem does this package solve?

Short answer

As a matter of fact, it solves absolutely nothing. "Why this package, then?" you may ask. Well, read on.

Long answer

You see, Eloquent already gives us the ability to define polymorphic relationships. The only thing you need to start leveraging MTI capabilities in Eloquent is a MorphOne relationship. This package adds a nice DX layer on top of the existing functionality, so it is a tad nicer to work with these kind of tightly coupled relationships.

So, the "meat and potatoes" of this package is delegating calls to the defined super relationship (and a couple more things). There is no real "parent" class in an object oriented sense. It is a conscious decision to not sprinkle too much magic on the models.


composer require dive-be/eloquent-super


Super / parent class 👱🏻‍♂️


The super model should define a morphs relationship that follows Laravel's naming conventions: the model's singular name in snake case + able.

Schema::create('addresses', static function (Blueprint $table) {
    $table->morphs('addressable'); // ==> mandatory
    // ... other columns

Class definition

The super class must define a fillable array in order to determine which attributes belong to which database tables. Without it, there is no way to distinguish the super's columns from the sub's columns.

class Address extends Model
    protected $fillable = ['city', 'country_id', 'street', 'postal_code'];

    public function country(): BelongsTo
        return $this->belongsTo(Country::class);

Sub / child classes 👶🏼

It is not mandatory for the sub classes to define a fillable array. Setting $guarded to an empty array is perfectly fine as well.

Class definition

class ShippingAddress extends Model
    use \Dive\EloquentSuper\InheritsFromSuper;

    protected $fillable = ['email', 'phone', 'contact_person', 'is_expedited', 'courier'];
    protected function getSuperClass(): string
        return Address::class;
class InvoiceAddress extends Model
    use \Dive\EloquentSuper\InheritsFromSuper;

    protected $fillable = ['company_id', 'email', 'fax', 'phone', 'language'];
    protected function getSuperClass(): string
        return Address::class;

Capabilities 💪

Partitioning of data when saving a sub model

$address = ShippingAddress::create($request->validated());

$address->getAttributes(); // 'email', 'phone', 'contact_person', 'is_expedited', 'courier'
$address->super->getAttributes(); // 'city', 'country_id', 'street', 'postal_code'

Attribute / relationship retrieval from super model

$address->city; // Ghent
$address->super->city; // Ghent

$address->country; // App\Models\Country { #2981 }
$address->super->country; // App\Models\Country { #2981 }

Deleting the super along with the sub model

$address->delete(); // Database transaction in the background

Note: only the sub model will be trashed if both the super and sub use the "SoftDeletes" trait

A note on always eager loading the "super" relationship 📣

It does not make sense for the sub model to exist without its complementary data from the super model. By having two tables, we are able to achieve a normalized database, but in code, it only makes sense when they coexist as a whole.


composer test


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The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.