
Mondoc is a lightweight and easy to use model library for MongoDB

5.0.1 2023-07-17 06:39 UTC



Use composer to add this library as a dependency onto your project.

composer require district5/mondoc


Setting up connections...

The MondoConnections object is a singleton. Set this up somewhere in your code to initialise the connection, and within your services you can define protected static function getConnectionId(): string to return the correct identifier for the relevant model.

use District5\Mondoc\MondocConfig;
use MongoDB\Client;

$connection = new Client('< mongo connection string >');
$database = $connection->selectDatabase('< database name >');

$config = MondocConfig::getInstance();
    'default' // a connection identifier ('default' is the default value).
// Add another one for something else...
// $config->addDatabase(
//     $database,
//     'authentication'
// );

    MyModel::class, // You can also just use a string like '\MyNamespace\Model\MyModel'
    MyService::class // You can also just use a string like '\MyNamespace\Service\MyService'
// Or you can use...
// $config->setServiceMap(
//     [
//         MyModel::class => MyService::class, // Also replaceable by strings
//         AnotherModel::class => AnotherService::class,
//     ]
// );

The data model

namespace MyNs\Model;

use District5\Mondoc\Db\Model\MondocAbstractModel;
use MyNs\Service\MyService;

 * Class MyModel
 * @package MyNs\Model
class MyModel extends MondocAbstractModel
     * @var string
    protected $name = null;

     * @return string
    public function getName(): ?string
        return $this->name;

     * @param string $val
     * @return $this
    public function setName(string $val)
        $this->name = trim($val);
        return $this;
Optional traits...
  • MondocVersionedModelTrait - You can easily version data within a model by using the \District5\Mondoc\Db\Model\Traits\MondocVersionedModelTrait trait. This trait introduces a _v variable in the model, which you can choose to increment when you choose.
    • You can detect if a model has a version by calling isVersionableModel() on the model.
  • MondocCreatedDateTrait - Adds a cd property to a model to utilise as a created date.
    • This value is automatically assigned to the current UTC date upon initial save of a model, or if an existing model is updated and the cd property has not been set. You can override this behaviour by assigning a value to the cd property.
  • MondocModifiedDateTrait - Adds a md property to a model to utilise as an updated date.
    • This value is automatically assigned the current UTC date, but you can override this behaviour by assigning a value to the md property prior to saving.

Traits examples

class MyModel extends \District5\Mondoc\Db\Model\MondocAbstractModel
    use \District5\Mondoc\Db\Model\Traits\MondocVersionedModelTrait;
    use \District5\Mondoc\Db\Model\Traits\MondocCreatedDateTrait;
    use \District5\Mondoc\Db\Model\Traits\MondocModifiedDateTrait;
    // Rest of your model code...

The service layer

namespace Myns\Service;

use MyNs\Model\MyModel;

 * Class MyService
 * @package MyNs\Service
class MyService extends AbstractService
     * @return string
    protected static function getCollectionName(): string
        return 'users';

The logic for querying the database etc., is always performed in the service layer.

Nesting objects

You can nest objects in each other. The main model must extend \District5\Mondoc\Db\Model\MondocAbstractModel and have the sub models defined in the $mondocNested array.

Sub models must extend \District5\Mondoc\Db\Model\MondocAbstractSubModel.

use District5\Mondoc\Db\Model\MondocAbstractModel;
use District5\Mondoc\Db\Model\MondocAbstractSubModel;

class FavouriteFood extends MondocAbstractSubModel
    protected string|null $foodName = null;
    public function getFoodName()
        return $this->foodName;

class Car extends MondocAbstractSubModel
    protected string|null $brand = null;
    protected string|null $colour = null;
    public function getBrand(): ?string
        return $this->brand;
    public function getColour(): ?string
        return $this->colour;

class Person extends MondocAbstractModel
     * @var string|null
    protected string|null $name = null;
     * @var FavouriteFood 
    protected FavouriteFood|\MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument|null $favouriteFood = null; // Having BSONDocument here is important as inflation will use the property
     * @var FavouriteFood[]
    protected array|\MongoDB\Model\BSONArray $allFoods = []; // Having BSONArray here is important as inflation will use the property
     * @var Car 
    protected Car|\MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument|null $car = null; // Having BSONDocument here is important as inflation will use the property
     * @var string[] 
    protected array $mondocNested = [
        'allFoods' => FavouriteFood::class . '[]', // Indicates an array of FavouriteFood objects
        'favouriteFood' => FavouriteFood::class,
        'car' => Car::class

    public function getAllFoods(): array
        return $this->allFoods;

    public function getFavouriteFoodName(): ?string
        return $this->favouriteFood->getFoodName();

    public function getCarBrand(): ?string
        return $this->car->getBrand();

    public function getCarColour(): ?string
        return $this->car->getColour();

Finding documents..


// count documents matching a filter
\District5Tests\MondocTests\Example\MyService::countAll([], []);
// count documents using a query builder
$builder = \District5Tests\MondocTests\Example\MyService::getQueryBuilder();

// get single model by id, accepts a string or ObjectId

// get multiple models by ids. accepts string or ObjectIds
\District5Tests\MondocTests\Example\MyService::getByIds(['an-id', 'another-id']);

// get single model with options
\District5Tests\MondocTests\Example\MyService::getOneByCriteria(['foo' => 'bar'], ['sort' => ['foo' => -1]]);

// get multiple models with options
\District5Tests\MondocTests\Example\MyService::getMultiByCriteria(['foo' => 'bar'], ['sort' => ['foo' => -1]]);

// paginating results by page number
$currentPage = 1;
$perPage = 10;
$sortByField = 'foo';
$sortDirection = -1;
$pagination = \District5Tests\MondocTests\Example\MyService::getPaginationHelper($currentPage, $perPage, ['foo' => 'bar'])
$results = \District5Tests\MondocTests\Example\MyService::getPage($pagination, $perPage, ['foo' => 'bar'], $sortByField, $sortDirection);

// paginating results by ID number descending (first page)
$currentId = null;
$perPage = 10;
$sortDirection = -1;
$pagination = \District5Tests\MondocTests\Example\MyService::getPaginationHelperForObjectIdPagination($perPage, ['foo' => 'bar'])
$results = \District5Tests\MondocTests\Example\MyService::getPageByByObjectIdPagination($pagination, $currentId, $perPage, $sortDirection, ['foo' => 'bar']);

// paginating results by ID number descending
$currentId = '5f7deca120c41f29827c0c60'; // or new ObjectId('5f7deca120c41f29827c0c60');
$perPage = 10;
$sortDirection = -1;
$pagination = \District5Tests\MondocTests\Example\MyService::getPaginationHelperForObjectIdPagination($perPage, ['foo' => 'bar'])
$results = \District5Tests\MondocTests\Example\MyService::getPageByByObjectIdPagination($pagination, $currentId, $perPage, $sortDirection, ['foo' => 'bar']);

// paginating results by ID number ascending
$currentId = '5f7deca120c41f29827c0c60'; // or new ObjectId('5f7deca120c41f29827c0c60');
$perPage = 10;
$sortDirection = 1;
$pagination = \District5Tests\MondocTests\Example\MyService::getPaginationHelperForObjectIdPagination($perPage, ['foo' => 'bar'])
$results = \District5Tests\MondocTests\Example\MyService::getPageByByObjectIdPagination($pagination, $currentId, $perPage, $sortDirection, ['foo' => 'bar']);

// get the distinct values for 'age' with a filter and options
\District5Tests\MondocTests\Example\MyService::getDistinctValuesForKey('age', ['foo' => 'bar'], ['sort' => ['age' => 1]]);

// average age with filter
\District5Tests\MondocTests\Example\MyService::aggregate()->getAverage('age', ['foo' => 'bar']);

// 10% percentile, sorted asc with filter
\District5Tests\MondocTests\Example\MyService::aggregate()->getPercentile('age', 0.1, 1, ['foo' => 'bar']);

// get sum of a field with a given filter
\District5Tests\MondocTests\Example\MyService::aggregate()->getSum('age', ['foo' => 'bar']);

// get the min value of a field with a given filter
\District5Tests\MondocTests\Example\MyService::aggregate()->getMin('age', ['foo' => 'bar']);
// ...or with a string...
// \District5Tests\MondocTests\Example\MyService::aggregate()->getMin('name', ['foo' => 'bar']);

// get the max value of a field with a given filter
\District5Tests\MondocTests\Example\MyService::aggregate()->getMax('age', ['foo' => 'bar']);
// ...or with a string...
// \District5Tests\MondocTests\Example\MyService::aggregate()->getMax('name', ['foo' => 'bar']);

Useful information...

To use a pre-determined ObjectId as the document _id, you can call setPresetObjectId against the model. For example:

/** @noinspection SpellCheckingInspection */
$theId = new \MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId('61dfee5591efcf44e023d692');

$person = new Person();
$person->setPresetObjectId(new ObjectId());

echo $person->getObjectIdString(); // 61dfee5591efcf44e023d692

This will force the model to absorb this ObjectId and not generate a new one upon insertion.

Converting between types

MongoDB uses BSON types for data. This library holds a MondocTypes helper, which can assist in the conversion of these native types.

use \District5\Mondoc\Helper\MondocTypes;

// Dates
$mongoDateTime = MondocTypes::phpDateToMongoDateTime(new \DateTime());
$phpDateTime = MondocTypes::dateToPHPDateTime($mongoDateTime);

// BSON documents
$bsonDocument = new \MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument(['foo' => 'bar']);
$phpArrayFromDoc = MondocTypes::arrayToPhp($bsonDocument);

// BSON arrays
$bsonArray = new \MongoDB\Model\BSONArray(['foo', 'bar']);
$phpArrayFromArray = MondocTypes::arrayToPhp($bsonArray);

// ObjectIds
/** @noinspection SpellCheckingInspection */
$anId = '61dfee5591efcf44e023d692';
$objectId = MondocTypes::toObjectId($anId);
// You can also pass existing ObjectId's into the conversion and nothing happens.
// MondocTypes::toObjectId(new \MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId());
// MondocTypes::toObjectId($objectId);

Query building

Query building is handled by the MondocBuilder library https://github.com/district-5/php-mondoc-builder.


You can run PHPUnit against the library by running composer install and then running phpunit. Before doing so, you'll need to copy the example.phpunit.xml to phpunit.xml and change the environment variables contained within.