
Distributed tracing for lumen using Zipkin

v1.0 2020-12-02 09:25 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:33:40 UTC


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Distributed Tracing of Guzzle HTTP Client (Micro Services internal calls) and dynamic profiling in Lumen



  • Composer
  • Docker (optional, if you have a zipkin endpoint this is not needed)


composer require dipenduroy/lumenzipkin

Register LumenZipkinServiceProvider

To enable Lumen Zipkin library, add below in bootstrap/app.php


Register ZipkinTraceMiddleware

To automatically flush all the traces to zipkin server while script ends. This is required to push trace info to zipkin server.

Add DipenduRoy\LumenZipkin\ZipkinTraceMiddleware::class in middleware's list of bootstrap/app.php, If no middleware


Start Zipkin Server

Use Docker to start Zipkin Server

composer run-zipkin


Below example traces all guzzle calls between microservices. Similarly refer zipkin-php for more customized tracing

	//Set your application variables below
	//Get Zipkin Trace Object
	/* Creates the span for getting the guzzle client call */
    $childSpan = $ZipkinTrace->createChildClientSpan($baseUri);
    //Tags can be configured as per your requirement for filtering the requests from zipkin dashboard
    $childSpan->tag(\Zipkin\Tags\HTTP_HOST, $baseUri);
    $childSpan->tag(\Zipkin\Tags\HTTP_URL, $baseUri.$requestUrl);
    $childSpan->tag(\Zipkin\Tags\HTTP_PATH, $requestUrl);
    $childSpan->tag(\Zipkin\Tags\HTTP_METHOD, strtoupper($method));
	$childSpan->annotate('request_started', \Zipkin\Timestamp\now());
    $client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client([
            'base_uri'  =>  $baseUri,
    $headers['accept'] = "application/json";
            'form_params' => $formParams,
            'headers'     => $headers,
            'query' => $queryString,
    try {
        $response = $client->request($method, $requestUrl, $params);
    } catch (\GuzzleHttp\Exception\TransferException $e) {
        $response = $e->getResponse();
        if ($e->hasResponse()) {
            $responseString = $e->getResponse()->getBody(true);
        } else {
            $childSpan->tag(\Zipkin\Tags\HTTP_STATUS_CODE, 503);
            $childSpan->tag(\Zipkin\Tags\ERROR, 'Guzzle Transfer Exception');
            $childSpan->annotate('request_failed', \Zipkin\Timestamp\now());
    $childSpan->tag(\Zipkin\Tags\HTTP_STATUS_CODE, $response->getStatusCode());
    $childSpan->annotate('request_finished', \Zipkin\Timestamp\now());


Set below environment variable as required

APP_NAME Environment variable is used for root trace name

LUMEN_ZIPKIN_ENABLE_SERVER_ADDRESS Environment variable is used to enable server address if available

Running with a custom zipkin location

If you need to pass the zipkin endpoint, just pass the reporter url as HTTP_REPORTER_URL env variable. Default zipkin location is - http://localhost:9411/api/v2/spans

HTTP_REPORTER_URL=http://myzipkin:9411/api/v2/span composer run-frontend


Thanks to the below contributors

  1. This library uses Zipkin PHP Library, refer for more details
  2. Know Zipkin in detail
  3. Zipkin PHP Example