
set of tools to build an api with laravel

v1.3 2022-03-10 04:02 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-10 10:26:16 UTC


Laravel api tool kit is a set of tools that will help you to build a fast and well-organized API using laravel best practices.



Api response

Dynamic Pagination


Api Generator


Media Helper


General tips


composer require essa/api-tool-kit

to publish config

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Essa\APIToolKit\APIToolKitServiceProvider" --tag="config"

use exception handler to standardize the error response Error Response

in App\Exceptions\Handler class extend the APIHandler class

namespace App\Exceptions;

use Essa\APIToolKit\Exceptions\Handler as APIHandler;

class Handler extends APIHandler

use API Response Trait in Controller


use Essa\APIToolKit\Api\ApiResponse;

class Controller extends BaseController
    use ApiResponse;

check : API response

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API Response

it is used to format your response to standard format and status codes for success responses, it will be

Success Response

  "message": "your message",
  "data": "your date"

Error Response

  "errors": [
      "status": 403,
      "title": "unauthenticated!",
      "detail": "Unauthenticated."

usage: you can use the trait inside the class you want to return the response form

and use it like this

$this->responseSuccess('car created successfully' , $car);

Available Methods

responseSuccess($message , $data)  // returns a 200 HTTP status code
responseCreated($message,$data)  // returns a 201 HTTP status code 
responseDeleted()  // returns empty response with a 204 HTTP status code
responseNotFound($error_details,$error_title)  // returns a 404 HTTP status code
responseBadRequest($error_details,$error_title)  // returns a 400 HTTP status code
responseUnAuthorized($error_details,$error_title)  // returns a 403 HTTP status code
responseConflictError($error_details,$error_title)  // returns a 409 HTTP status code
responseUnprocessable($error_details,$error_title)  // returns a 422 HTTP status code
responseUnAuthenticated ($error_details,$error_title) // returns a 401 HTTP status code
responseWithCustomError($error_title, $error_details, $status_code) //send custom error 

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Dynamic Pagination

use pagination dynamically


to use dynamic pagination to get all users :

$users = User::dynamicPaginate();

to get all users without pagination :


to get all users paginated 10 users per page:


by default pagination is 20 element per page you can change the default value from config/api-tool-kit



to create a filter class:

php artisan make:filter CarFilters

to set default filters to the Car model , in Car model you will add

protected $default_filters = CarFilters::class;

to use it


if you want to override the default filters


options in Filter class

//to add the attributes to filter by =>> /cars?color=red&model_id=1
protected array $allowedFilters  = ['color' , 'model_id']; 
//to add the attributes to filter by :
// desc : ?sorts=created_at
// asc  : ?sorts=-created_at
protected array $allowedSorts= ['created_at'];
// allowed relationships to be loaded 
// ?includes=model
protected array $allowedIncludes = ['model'];
//column that will be included in search =>> ?search=tesla
protected array $columnSearch= ['name','descriptions']; 
//relation that will be included in search =>> ?search=ahmed
protected array $relationSearch = [
    'user' => ['first_name', 'last_name']

to create a custom query you will just create a new function in the class and add your query example filter by year:

public function year($term)
    $this->builder->whereYear('created_At', $term);

//usage : /cars?year=2020

filter by relationship :

public function option($term)
    $this->builder->whereHas('options', fn($query) => $query->where('option_id', $term));
//usage : /cars?option=1

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API Generator

Usage :

php artisan api:generate Car

when you type the command it will ask you whether you want default options :

  • (N) it will ask you which files you want to generate .
  • (Y) it will generate files for all options that exists in config/api-tool-kit
options :
 ** by default it will create a model :
 ** controller :
 ** resource :
 ** request :
 ** filter :
 ** seeder :
 ** factory :
 ** test :
 ** migration :

in addition, the routes will be created and added in routes/api.php files

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action is a laravel implementation of command design pattern which create a class where you can add your business logic in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Command_pattern


php artisan make:action CreateCar
namespace App\Actions;

class CreateCar
    public function execute($data)
      //add business logic to create a car

The best practice to use the action class is to use dependency injection

you have many options 1-use laravel application container


2-inject it in the class in constructor

private $create_car_action ;

public function __construct(CreateCar $create_car_action)

public function doSomething()

3-inject the class in laravel controller function

public function doSomething(CreateCar $create_car_action)

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Media Helper

it is used to upload and delete files to storage

// to upload file
$file_path = MediaHelper::uploadFile($file ,$path); 
//to delete an file
//upload multiple files
$files_paths = MediaHelper::uploadMultiple($files ,$path); 
//upload base64 image
$image_path = MediaHelper::uploadBase64Image($encoded_image ,$path); 

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bad practice : if I have two types of users (admin ,student) instead of hard coding the name of user type every time using it you can simply use the enum class

usage :

php artisan make:enum UserTypes

it will generate classes like this

namespace App\Enums;

class UserTypes extends Enum
    public const ADMIN = 'admin';
    public const STUDENT = 'student';


UserTypes::getAll() //get all types 
UserTypes::isValid($value) //to check if this value exist in the enum
UserTypes::toArray() //to get all enums as key and value

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General Tips

throw error instead of return json response


public function index()
    if (auth()->user()->not_active ) {
        $this->responseUnAuthorized('you can not preform this action');


public function index()
    if (auth()->user()->not_active ) {
        throw new AuthorizationException('you can not preform this action');

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