
Plugin which solves the problem of saving simple products which causes clearing of fields not present in the view.


Plugin which solves the problem of saving simple products which causes clearing of fields not present in the view.

By default Sylius adds repeated variant's fields into the form of the parent product which looks like bad coding in case we actually do not need to set particular variant's parameters while editing the product.

This plugin solves this problem by adding a listener which removes fields which were not set from the form and therefore stops any processing of the values.


First, install using composer:

composer require digital-holding/artis-simple-product-variant-overwrite-hotfix-plugin

Then, add entry to your config/bundles.php:

DH\ArtisSimpleProductVariantOverwriteHotfixPlugin\DHArtisSimpleProductVariantOverwriteHotfixPlugin::class => ['all' => true]

(this part may be done for you by Symfony/Flex already)