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Craft boilerplate setup, includes basic js/css/esbuild setup

1.4.0 2023-04-12 18:21 UTC


This is a basic Craft 4 with common plugins and frontend resources I use.

Craft Plugins

  • SuperTable
  • Redactor
  • LinkField
  • SEO Matic


Alpine https://alpinejs.dev/

Axios https://github.com/axios/axios

TailwindCss https://tailwindcss.com


ESbuild is used to compile and bundle the CSS and Js files. Reference the ./src/js/build/build.js file for the entry points and options. Two primary options are used --minify to output minified resources and --watch to watch the ./src and ./templates directory for changes required a rebuild. The build will output versioned js and css files that can be referenced in the build/mix-manifest.json file and is used with Mix to in the Twig layout to load.

Project Setup

  1. terminal into the docker container
  2. run composer create-project dgrigg/craft-boilerplate [project root] dev-master
  3. setup the local site domain and database (use ~www/docker/add-site.sh)
  4. create security key ./craft setup/security-key
  5. install craft ./craft setup
  6. remove the config/license.key file
  7. install plugins ./craft plugin/install ALL
  8. update craft and all plugins ./craft update all
  9. setup Craft https://craftcms.com/docs/4.x/installation.html
  10. exit the docker container and return to the local machine
  11. cd into the project root and run npm install


  1. Setup a new git repo for the organization
  2. Add neccessary collaborators
  3. Initialize git repo and make first commit