
There is no license information available for the latest version (0.6.1) of this package.

Initialize Script

0.6.1 2020-02-07 11:02 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-11 20:10:07 UTC


Init is a console application that helps to make for php projects first configuration and publish etc.

Key Features

  • Update Assets
  • Setting ini file
  • Updating http conf
  • Setting file permissions
  • Runs sample tasks.


To install Init by using Composer:

    $ composer require dgncan/init "^0.6"

Example composer.json file:

      "require": {
        "dgncan/init": "^0.6",


Create an init.php file with the following contents:

    require_once __DIR__.'/vendor/dgncan/init/src/functions.php';
    return  [
        'application-name'=>'example-project',  // required
        [   // sample items. look example-project folder for detail example 
            'Update adminlte-minimal'=>[
                'files' => [
            'Sample dummy process'=>
                function ($args) {
                    echo "sample dummy processed\n";
              //for sample use only.      
            'minify css/custom-style.css'=>
                function () {
                    $cmd = "php vendor/tubalmartin/cssmin/cssmin -i " . getcwd() . "/public/css/custom-style.css -o " . getcwd() . "/public/css/custom-style.min.css -R";
                    system($cmd, $r);
                    if ($r == 1) {
                        throw new Exception("Fail cmd:" . $cmd);
            'confPath'=> [
                'local'=>'.',                     // optional for example: /usr/local/httpd_docs/conf/
                'test'=>'/work/test/conf/',       // optional
                'preprod'=>'/work/preprod/conf/', // optional
                'prod'=>'/work/prod/conf/'        // optional
        'prod-ini-file' => '/sensitive-data-location-path/init/prod.ini', // optional
        'permission' =>
            'chown'=>'www.www', // optional
            'chmod'=>'755'      // optional

Or to create empty init.php :

     vendor/bin/init init 

Example Project

Please look example-project folder to see example project skeleton.