dframe / router
Router component Dframe
- php: >=7.3
- ext-json: *
Requires (Dev)
- mikey179/vfsstream: ^1.6
- phpunit/phpunit: ^9.5
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-05 14:20:15 UTC
Documentation - Router PHP
$ composer require dframe/router
Simple PHP Router
Creating an application, it's worth taking care of their friendly links. Its has a big part in position in SEO. Link router work in a similar way as network router. It is responsible for calling the method from controller.
$this->router->addRoute([ 'page/:method' => [ 'page/[method]/', 'task=page&action=[method]' ] ]); $this->router->makeUrl('page/:action?action=index'); // Return: https://example.php/page/index $this->router->isActive('page/:action?action=index'); // Current Website true/false
We define the table with adresses for our application in the configuration file
|https| - true/false forcing https
|NAME_CONTROLLER| - Name of the default controller
|NAME_METHOD| - Name of the default method from the controller in NAME_CONTROLLER
|publicWeb| - Main folder from which files will be read (js, css)
|assetsPath| - Dynamic folder
|docs/docsId| - Example routing with the |docsId| variable, which contains the |docs/[docsId]/| adress definition and the |task| parameters to which it's assigned.
|error/404| - as above
|default| - default definition loading the controller/method. |params| defines the possibility of additional parameters appearing, while
'_params' => [ '[name]/[value]/', '[name]=[value]' ]
defines the way the additional foo=bar parameters should be interpreted.
return [ 'https' => false, 'NAME_CONTROLLER' => 'page', // Default Controller for router 'NAME_METHOD' => 'index', // Default Action for router 'publicWeb' => '', // Path for public web (web or public_html) 'assets' => [ 'minifyCssEnabled' => true, 'minifyJsEnabled' => true, 'assetsDir' => 'assets', 'assetsPath' => APP_DIR.'View/', 'cacheDir' => 'cache', 'cachePath' => APP_DIR.'../web/', 'cacheUrl' => HTTP_HOST.'/', ], 'routes' => [ 'docs/:page' => [ 'docs/[page]/', 'task=Page&action=[page]&type=docs' ], 'methods/example/:exampleId' => [ 'methods/example/[exampleId]', 'methods' => [ 'GET' => 'task=Methods,Example&action=get&exampleid=[exampleId]', 'POST' => 'task=Methods,Example&action=post&exampleid=[exampleId]', ] ], 'error/:code' => [ 'error/[code]/', 'task=Page&action=error&type=[code]', 'code' => '([0-9]+)', 'args' => [ 'code' => '[code]' ], ], ':task/:action' => [ '[task]/[action]/[params]', 'task=[task]&action=[action]', 'params' => '(.*)', '_params' => [ '[name]/[value]/', '[name]=[value]' ] ], 'default' => [ '[task]/[action]/[params]', 'task=[task]&action=[action]', 'params' => '(.*)', '_params' => [ '[name]/[value]/', '[name]=[value]' ] ] ] ];
- makeUrl - is used for generating the full adress. For example |makeurl| - method used for redirections, equivalent of |header| but with a parameter being a key from the Config/router.php table. In case of using docs/:docsld it looks as the following |redirect|
namespace Controller; use Dframe\Controller; use Dframe\Router\Response; class PageController extends Controller { /** * @return bool */ public function index() { echo $this->router->makeUrl('docs/:docsId?docsId=23'); return; } /** * @return mixed */ public function docs() { if (!isset($_GET['docsId'])) { return $this->router->redirect('error/:code?code=404'); } } /** * @param string $status * * @return mixed */ public function error($status = '404') { $routerCodes = $this->router->response(); if (!array_key_exists($status, $routerCodes::$code)) { return $this->router->redirect('error/:code?code=500'); } $view = $this->loadView('index'); $smartyConfig = Config::load('view/smarty'); $patchController = $smartyConfig->get('setTemplateDir', APP_DIR . 'View/templates') . '/errors/' . htmlspecialchars($status) . $smartyConfig->get('fileExtension', '.html.php'); if (!file_exists($patchController)) { return $this->router->redirect('error/:code?code=404'); } $view->assign('error', $routerCodes::$code[$status]); return Response::create($view->fetch('errors/' . htmlspecialchars($status)))->headers(['refresh' => '4;' . $this->router->makeUrl(':task/:action?task=page&action=index')]); } }
assign - it's a method of the template engine that assignes value to a variable which is used in the template files.
Using only PHP
- |router| all already available methods used like in |page/index|
namespace View; use Dframe\Asset\Assetic; class IndexView extends \View\View { /** * @return bool */ public function init() { $this->router->assetic = new Assetic(); $this->assign('router', $this->router); } }
Extention of the basic Dframe\Router is Dframe\Router\Response, adding functionality of setting the response status (404, 500, etc.) and their headers.
return Response::create('Hello Word!') ->status(200) ->headers([ 'Expires' => 'Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT', 'Cache-Control' => 'no-cache', 'Pragma', 'no-cache' ]);
For generating html.
Render json
return Response::renderJSON(['code' => 200, 'data' => []]);
Render json with callback
return Response::renderJSONP(['code' => 200, 'data' => []]);
return Response::redirect(':task/:action?task=page&action=login');