
Recalc Gedmo Tree (Doctrine Behavioral Extensions)

v1.1.2 2020-02-19 19:34 UTC


This command was created for Gedmo Doctrine Behavioral Tree Extension.

If your tree has been damaged, the leaves and roots have incorrect values - this command is all you need.

You can easily recalc all the properties of a tree by one command.

How it use?

  1. Install package composer require devpack/gedmo-tree-recalc or copy only command 😉
  2. Add bundle to your bundles.php file



return [
    // ...
    DevPack\GedmoTreeRecalc\GedmoTreeRecalcBundle::class => ['all' => true],
  1. Run your symfony console


php bin/console gedmo:tree:recalc [<YourEntity>]

How test package?

Run this command: ./vendor/bin/phpunit tests

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