
a fast and flexible HTTP Router

1.0.0 2017-10-24 02:52 UTC

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Last update: 2025-03-10 09:37:16 UTC


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A fast, flexible and scalable HTTP router for PHP.


  • Grouping and nested group
  • Easy to design RESTful API
  • Full Tests
  • Flexible and scalable
  • No third-party library dependencies
  • Named Param Placeholder
  • Detect all request methods of the specify path
  • Straightforward documentation


  • PHP - 7.0, 7.1, 7.2 and master are tested.


composer require devlibs/routing:1.0.0


include '/path-to-vendor/autoload.php';

use DevLibs\Routing\Router;

// create an router instance
$settings = [
    'middlewares' => [
$router = new Router($settings);

Register handler

Router::handle($method, $path, $handler, $settings = null);
  • method - string or array, case-sensitive, such as GET, GET|POST(split by |, without space), ['GET', 'POST']
  • path - the path MUST start with slash /, such as /, /users, /users/<username>.
  • handler - mixed, whatever you want.
  • settings - user-defined settings.


Method Path Handler Matched Unmatched
GET / handler GET / POST / get /
GET|POST /users handler GET /users POST /users
['GET', 'POST'] /merchants handler GET /merchants POST /merchants
GET /users/<username> handler GET /users/foo GET /users/bar
GET /orders/<order_id:\d+> handler GET /orders/123456 GET /orders/letters

It also provides a few shortcuts for registering handler:

  • Router::delete
  • Router::get
  • Router::post
  • Router::put
$router->get('/', 'handler');

$router->handle('GET|POST', '/users', 'handler');

$router->handle(['GET', 'POST'], '/merchants', 'handler');

$router->get('/users/<username>', 'handler');

$router->get('/orders/<order_id:\d+>', 'handler');

Dispatch request

Router::dispatch($method, $path);
  • method - request method, case-sensitive.
  • path - URI path

If matched, an Route instance which implements RouteInterface will be returns, null otherwise.

$path = '/users/baz';
$route = $router->dispatch(Router::METHOD_GET, $path);
if (is_null($route)) {
    throw new \Exception('404 Not Found');

// handle requset
$handler = $route->handler(); // 'handler'
$params = $route->params(); // ['username' => 'baz']
$settings = $route->settings(); // $settings


Class Route implements RouteInterface, provides some basic methods.

You can also define your own Route class via the following code snippet:

Router::$routeClassName = 'namespace\MyRoute';


Route class MUST implements this interface, see RouteInterface for more detail.

Named Params Placeholder

As the examples shown above, Router has ability to detect the param's value of the path.

In general, an placeholder pattern MUST be one of <name> and <name:regex>, it will be converted to ([^/]+) and (regex) respectively. You can also change it via replace the Router::$replacePatterns and Router::$replacements.

Pattern Path Matched Params
/guests/<name> /guests/小明 YES ['name' => '小明']
/guests/<name:\w+> /guests/foo YES ['name' => 'foo']
/guests/<name:\w+> /guests/小明 NO
/orders/<order_id:\d+> /orders/123 YES ['order_id' => '123']
/orders/<order_id:\d+> /orders/letters NO
/posts/<year:\d{4}>/<month:\d{2}>/<title> /posts/2017/10/hello-world YES ['year' => '2017', 'month' => '10', title' => 'hello-world']
/posts/<year:\d{4}>/<month:\d{2}>/<title> /posts/201/10/hello-world NO
/posts/<year:\d{4}>/<month:\d{2}>/<title> /posts/2017/9/hello-world NO
/posts/<year:\d{4}><month:\d{2}>/<title> /posts/201710/hello-world YES ['year' => '2017', 'month' => '10', title' => 'hello-world']


You can extend Router via settings, such as param's default value and middleware etc, but this topic are out of scope of this document.


Grouping is an powerful feature of Router for separating modules or API's versions. And this library also implements this feature, it allows nested grouping.

Router::group($prefix, array $settings = []);
  • prefix - group prefix, it MUST NOT contains slash /.
  • settings - settings for extending, it will inherits parent's settings.
// grouping
$v1Settings = [
    'version' => '1',
    'middlewares' => [
$v1 = $router->group('v1', $v1Settings);
$v1->get('/hello', 'hello');
$route = $router->dispatch(Router::METHOD_GET, '/v1/hello'); // matched
 * [
 *     'version' => '1',
 *     'middlewares' => [
 *         'DebugMiddleware',
 *         'AuthMiddleware',
 *     ],
 * ];
// nested group
$v1Users = $v1->group('users');
$v1Users->get('/', 'users');
$v1Users->get('/<name>', 'user profile');
$route = $router->dispatch(Router::METHOD_GET, '/v1/users'); // matched
$route = $router->dispatch(Router::METHOD_GET, '/v1/users/bar'); // matched


As the examples shown above, it is obviously easy to design a RESTful API application.

$router->get('/products', 'products');
$router->post('/products', 'create product');
$router->get('/products/<product_id:\d+>', 'product detail');
$router->put('/products/<product_id:\d+>', 'update product');
$router->delete('/products/<product_id:\d+>', 'delete product');

Detect methods

In consideration of OPTIONS request, it provides an API for detecting all valid methods of the specify URI path.

Route::getAllowMethods($path, $methods = null);
  • path - request URL path
  • methods - Router::$methods defined some common request methods, but it does not include all request methods, you can specify the methods if the key method is not one of the Router::$methods.
$allowMethods = $router->getAllowMethods('/merchants'); // ['GET', 'POST']


Package Not Found

Please add the following repository into repositories when composer complains about that Could not find package devlibs/routing ....

    "type": "git",
    "url": ""