
PHP Library for managing code objects and strings.

1.4.1 2024-09-11 13:17 UTC

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Last update: 2024-12-11 13:51:53 UTC


PHP Library which includes classes for the resolution of class names and callables, as well as the manipulation of code construct strings such as class names, method names, CSS classes, HTML5 ids, table names, and more.

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Version Objects

There are two version objects designed for parsing and comparing Semantic Version numbers, Version and VersionImmutable.

Construct Objects

There are three main construct objects: ConstructString, ClassString and MethodString. Both ClassString and MethodString are extensions of ConstructString.

The base ConstructString class to work with the name of any coding construct such as a table, class, method, key, etc.

The more specific ClassString and MethodString contain additional methods for dealing with situations specific to a method name or a class name such as extracting the class name, the namespace, the function name, etc.

Common Methods

Resolver Classes

The resolver classes are aimed at allowing for the resolution of PHP classes and callables. At most times during development, the use of autoloaders and PSR-0 or PSR-4 structure would prevent the need for the resolution of classes and callables.

These classes can be useful, however, in situations where callables are configured outside your code base, such as in a YAML or XML configuration file or in a database. Often in these situations, callables and classes are referred to with a key or id, rather than the fully qualified class name

Another situation in which these classes can be useful is when you have multiple classes that could be used, and these classes exist in multiple name spaces. For example, when some classes that implement a specific interface are part of your code base, but others may be part of a vendor library.

Each class contains one main method: resolve, which will resolve the given string, array, or object.

Class Resolver

At instantiation, this class is provided a namespace or "sibling" class (from which to derive a namespace). An array of namespaces or sibling classes may also be provided.

When the resolve method is called, it resolves the provided string into a fully qualified class name by matching to existing classes within the namespaces provided to the resolver at instantiation.

Implementation Resolver

This class functions the same as the ClassResolver, but only resolves classes that implement the interface given at the time of instantiation.

Callback Resolver

The CallbackResolver class is also provided a namespace or "sibling" class at instantiation, and will also take an array of namespaces or sibling classes.

When the resolve method is called, it resolves the provided string, array, or object into a \Closure by first resolving any class as needed, instantiating and needed object (if possible), verifying that the requested method is callable, then converting the callable into a \Closure.

The item to resolve may be in any of these formats:

  • ClassName::methodString (works with non-static methods too)
  • \Fully\Qualified\ClassName::methodString (works with non-static methods too)
  • ['ClassName', 'methodString']
  • ['\Fully\Qualified\ClassName', 'methodString']
  • 'InvokableClassName'
  • '\Fully\Qualified\InvokableClassName

These may also be provided. Though they would need no resolution, they would be validated to be callable and turned into a \Closure.

  • InvokableObject
  • [Object, 'methodString']


The ContainerAwareCallbackResolver must be provided a PSR-11 Container Interface at instantiation, and may also be provided optional namespaces or "sibling" classes at instantiation. The ContainerInterface object is used as a dependency injection service locator, for example, the container used in the Symfony framework.

When the resolve method is called, this resolver type will attempt to match the class portion of any item to an id of a service in the ContainerInterface, then proceed with resolving the rest of the callback.


The Closure class is a super-charged drop-in replacement for PHP 7.1's \Closure::fromCallable, and works using a method of the same name. This class is not intended for separate use, but instead does the "heavy lifting" for the CallbackResolver, taking either an array or a string that should be callable, instantiates any class into an object (if necessary and possible), then creates a closure from the resulting callable.

In PHP 7.1+, the original \Closure::fromCallable is used for the final step. In previous versions, the resulting \Closure is created "the old fashioned way"