
Project builder for MoonShine

1.1.1 2024-06-13 12:26 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-13 12:27:50 UTC



Creating projects using schemas for the MoonShine.

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Laravel required PHP required MoonShine required

Hello, Laravel and MoonShine User!

This package allows you to describe the entire project structure using a JSON or SQL table schema and generate the necessary files, such as:


composer require dev-lnk/moonshine-builder --dev


Publish the package configuration file:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=moonshine-builder

In the configuration file, specify the path to your JSON schemas:

return [
    'builds_dir' => base_path('builds')

Now you can run the command:

php artisan moonshine:build

You will be given options as to which scheme to use when generating the code, form example:

 ┌ Type ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
 │ › ● json                                                     │
 │   ○ table                                                    │
 ┌ File ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
 │ › ● category.json                                            │
 │   ○ project.json                                             │
app/Models/Category.php was created successfully!
app/MoonShine/Resources/CategoryResource.php was created successfully!
database/migrations/2024_05_27_140239_create_categories.php was created successfully!

WARN  Don't forget to register new resources in the provider method:

 new CategoryResource(),

 ...or in the menu method:

     static fn() => 'CategoryResource',
     new CategoryResourceResource()

INFO  All done.

Creating a Schema

In the builds_dir directory, create a schema file, for example, category.json:

  "resources": [
      "name": "Category",
      "fields": [
          "column": "id",
          "type": "id",
          "methods": [
          "column": "name",
          "type": "string",
          "name": "Name"

To generate project files, run the command:

 php artisan moonshine:build category.json

A more detailed example with multiple resources and relationships can be found here.

Creation from sql table

You can create a resource using a table schema.You must specify the table name and select table type. Example:

php artisan moonshine:build users --type=table


public function fields(): array
    return [
            Text::make('Name', 'name'),
            Text::make('Email', 'email'),
            Date::make('EmailVerifiedAt', 'email_verified_at'),
            Text::make('Password', 'password'),
            Text::make('RememberToken', 'remember_token'),

After generating the files, make sure to register all new Resources in your MoonShineServiceProvider


You can specify the timestamp: true flag

  "resources": [
      "name": "Category",
      "timestamps": true,
      "fields": []

The created_at and updated_at fields will be added to your code. If you manually specified the created_at and updated_at fields, the timestamps flag will be automatically set to true

Soft deletes

Works similarly to the timestamps flag and the deleted_at field

Flags for generating files

Using flags withResource, withModel, withMigration, you can configure what exactly you want to generate for your resource

  "name": "ItemPropertyPivot",
  "withResource": false,
  "withModel": false

JSON Schema

For hints in your IDE or for a more detailed description of the json structure, you can use this file