
Generate classes and files from table schema

v1.2 2024-08-27 10:03 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-27 11:09:54 UTC


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Laravel required PHP required


Hello Laravel users! This package allows you to generate code from the schema of your SQL table. The following entities will be generated:

These examples have been generated from a table created by migration:

Schema::create('products', function (Blueprint $table) {

What is this package for?

This package allows you to significantly reduce the routine while coding and focus on developing.


composer require dev-lnk/laravel-code-builder --dev


Publish the package configuration file:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravel-code-builder


The basic command signature looks like this:

code:build {entity} {table?}

Let's say we want to create classes for the base table users based on the User entity. To do this you need to run the following command:

php artisan code:build User

You will be presented with a list of your tables, choose which table you want to generate the code based on:

 ┌ Table ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
 │   ○ migrations                                             │ │
 │   ○ password_reset_tokens                                  │ │
 │   ○ products                                               │ │
 │   ○ sessions                                               │ │
 │ › ● users                                                  ┃ │

You can also specify part of the table name to shorten the list

php artisan code:build User us
 ┌ Table ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
 │ › ● users                                                    │

If you have not specified a generation_path in the configuration file, you will be offered 2 options:

 ┌ Where to generate the result? ───────────────────────────────┐
 │ › ● In the project directories                               │
 │   ○ To the generation folder: `app/Generation`               │

The first option will create all files according to the folders in your app_path directory. If a file with the same name is found, you will be prompted to replace it:

app/Models/User.php was created successfully!
 ┌ Controller already exists, are you sure you want to replace it? ┐
 │ Yes                                                             │

app/Http/Controllers/UserController.php was created successfully!

In the second option, all files will be generated in the app/Generation folder

app/Generation/Models/User.php was created successfully!

In the builders configuration you can comment out those builders that you do not want to be executed

return [
    'builders' => [
//        'addAction',
//        'editAction',
//        'request',
//        'controller',
//        'route',
//        'DTO',
//        'table',

You can generate certain entities using flags:

php artisan code:build user --model --request

Available options for the only flag:

  • --model
  • --request
  • --DTO
  • --addAction
  • --editAction
  • --controller
  • --route
  • --form
  • --table
  • --typeScript
  • --builder - Generates all builders specified in the builders configuration + your specified flag, for example:
php artisan code:build user --builders --request
