designpond / newsletter
Newsletter building tool for UniNE websites
- php: ~5.5|~7.0
- barryvdh/laravel-dompdf: 0.7.x@dev
- inlinestyle/inlinestyle: 1.*
- intervention/image: dev-master
- maatwebsite/excel: ~2.0.0
- mailjet/mailjet-apiv3-php: ^1.1
- vinkla/alert: ^1.2
This package is not auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-02-23 10:27:20 UTC
Newsletter interface builder and send via mailjet api
!!! WARNING work in progress this is a specific package for specific content !!!
Via Composer
$ composer require designpond/newsletter
"intervention/image": "dev-master", "inlinestyle/inlinestyle": "1.*", "maatwebsite/excel": "~2.0.0", "mailjet/mailjet-apiv3-php": "^1.1"
This package is used with Laravel 5.2 adn Mailjet API v3 Created for multiple websites of La Faculté de droit de l'Université de Neuchâtel. The content is meant to be used with arrets, analyse, categories and multi sites
Publish with php artisan vendor:publish
- Assets --tag=assets
- Migrations --tag=migrations
- Seeders --tag=seeds
- Views --tag=views
- Master layout --tag=layouts
- Config --tag=config
In newsletter.php define building blocs to use if you enable "groupe" you have to enable "arret", both go with another!
Define the models and files/images paths.
Add Mailjet credentials to your .env file
Migrate tables and seed types with php artisan db:seed --class=TypeSeeder
Usage simple
If you want routes with prefix set it in env.js in newsletter/js
Master layout dependencies
Javascript and css
- jquery.js v2.2
- jquery-ui.js v1.11
- bootstrap.css v3
- bootstrap.js v3
Elements to add
In the head
@if(isset($isNewsletter)) @include('newsletter::Style.main', ['campagne' => isset($campagne) ? : null]) @include('newsletter::Style.redactor') @endif
Before end of the body
@include('newsletter::Script.config') @if(isset($isNewsletter)) @include('') @include('newsletter::Script.redactor') @include('newsletter::Script.angular') @include('newsletter::Script.datatables') @include('newsletter::Script.main') @endif
You have to implement upload routes for wysiwyg redactor.js
Route::post('uploadRedactor', 'UploadController@uploadRedactor'); Route::post('uploadJS', 'UploadController@uploadJS'); Route::get('imageJson/{id?}', ['uses' => 'UploadController@imageJson']); Route::get('fileJson/{id?}', ['uses' => 'UploadController@fileJson']);
Usage with Arrets and Categories
You have to Implement ajax routes:
Route::get('arret/{id}', 'ArretController@simple'); // build.js Route::get('arrets/{id?}', 'ArretController@arrets'); // build.js Route::get('categories/{id?}', 'CategorieController@categories'); // utils.js
And configure the path to you routes for angular`in newsletter/js/env.js
// Admin url window.__env.adminUrl = 'http://dev.local/admin/'; // Base url window.__env.ajaxUrl = 'http://dev.local/admin/ajax/';
Navigation menu items
- Newsletters list: build/newsletter
- Subscribers: build/subscriber
- Import subscribers: build/import
- External email lists: build/liste
Change log
Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.
If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.